This has to be comedy hour. So apparently the fix #Twitter users found for spaces outside of the company, which remains silent on the issue, is to uninstall the app from the Google play store and install from the Store provided by the phone manufacturer (Samsung in my case).
THEY BOTH RUN ON LINUX GUYS. All android phones are Linux based. Why is one borked and the other not? I don't even.
#twitter #elonmusk #twitterisajoke
Nice to see you here fellow "jailbird"! I too am permanently in twitmo for the lamest reason ... I humoured a conservative hack who started a failed twitter survey to oust Prime Minister Trudeau đ¤Ŗ
#twitterisajoke #twitterisaconservativecesspool #elmoisanarcissist
#Elmo is a #Trumpster and hates progressive liberals. He's slowly turning that place into a cesspool of conservative hacks!
#elmo #trumpster #twitterisacult #twitterisajoke #twitterisacesspool #elmomuskautocraticnarcisist
Be careful if you're identified as progressive Liberal because #Elmo hates you. He's slowly turning that place into a cesspool of conservative hacks!
#elmo #twitterisacult #twitterisajoke #twitterisacesspool #elmomuskautocraticnarcisist
@Carolepayne @sailorgirl
Be careful if you're identified as a progressive Liberal. Elmo hates PMJT and he's slowly turning that place into a cesspool of conservative hacks!
#twitterisacult #twitterisajoke #twitterisacesspool