We were part of #Resist, we started @LiberalResist@twitter.com in 2016. Paying Musk by using his platform is ANTI Liberal. #DeleteTwitter #BeALiberal #TwitterIsMAGA #TwitterDown http://ow.ly/yBAG50LO2fw
#twitterdown #twitterismaga #bealiberal #deletetwitter #resist
There isn’t a “far left”, ie healthcare, education, living wage, democracy. #DeleteTwitter #TwitterDown #TwitterIsMAGA #BeALiberal http://ow.ly/LlWi50LNgVm
#bealiberal #twitterismaga #twitterdown #deletetwitter
Sorry, you’re no longer a “resistance warrior” with your little hashtag. You’re paying the GOP Billionaires, which profit by engagement, advertising, and personal data. Get a new hobby. #TwitterDown #GoodByeTwitter #TwitterIsMAGA http://ow.ly/VwO850LMpvc
#twitterismaga #GoodByeTwitter #twitterdown