Maybe I'd like "new Twitter" better if they made this the logo instead:
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs #twitter #newtwitter #oldtwitter #twitterx #twitterisx #xistwitter #x #xlogo #logo #RIPTwitter
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs #twitter #newtwitter #oldtwitter #TwitteRx #twitterisx #xistwitter #x #xlogo #logo #riptwitter
So... Elon Musk couldn't settle for just *figuratively* killing #Twitter; he had to actually go and remove the bird logo and change the app's name to "X." Woowoo, so edgy. Not to mention the fact there there are already multiple trademarks of "X" in various fields that touch what this new "everything app" wants to do.
"There's a 100% chance that Twitter is going to get sued over this by somebody."
#twitter #TwitteRx #twitterisx #twitterisdead