RT @brulla_micha
Wir solidarisieren uns mit der kurdischen Sängerin #NudemDurak, die zu 19 Jahren Haft in der #Türkei verurteilt wurde & fordern ihre sofortige Freilassung !
@zeynokuray @bilalseckin #FreeNudemDurak #FreeThemAll #Twitterkurds https://twitter.com/bilalseckin/status/1503089106494144519
#NudemDurak #turkei #FreeNudemDurak #freethemall #twitterkurds
RT @botani4m
Among the detainees are also the parliamentary candidates for the Green Left Party (@YesillerSol) Burcu Ayyildiz, Meryem Yildirim and Müslüm Koyun two weeks ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections in Turkey #TwitterKurds
Le fascisme appelle ses opposants des terroristes. Le #PKK est devenu un mouvement de masse soutenu par des millions de personnes et résiste depuis 45 ans contre ce régime fasciste. #SmashTurkishFascism #delistPKK #TwitterKurds
RT @reseauserhildan
🚩Aujourd’hui c’est la délibération du procès des inculpés du 23/03/21.
Le procureur du parquet antiterroriste demande entre 2 et 6ans de prison. C’est lourd dit-il car il faut donne…
#pkk #smashturkishfascism #delistpkk #twitterkurds
Im Nordosten #Syrien|s fürchten viele Menschen ein großangelegtes Comeback des #IS, während die Angriffe der #Türkei gegen Syriens #Kurden, aber auch im #Irak unvermindert weitergehen.
#AlHol #Rojava #twitterkurds #kurdistan
#syrien #is #turkei #kurden #Irak #AlHol #Rojava #twitterkurds #kurdistan
RT @botani4m
Women in #Botan are baking bread for the earthquake victims in #Bakur and #Turkey. So far about 18,000 bread has been sent to the regions effected by earthquake (@MAturkce) #TwitterKurds
#botan #bakur #turkey #twitterkurds
Voleu fer una donació per ajudar les persones del nord #Kurdistan o #Syria que es van veure molt afectades per la donació recent #earthquake a Kurdish Red Moon, també disponible al vostre país (comproveu en línia)
#Rojava #TwitterKurds
#kurdistan #syria #earthquake #rojava #twitterkurds
Guckt euch den Kobanê Film noch heute im stream an. U.a. mit deutschen oder englischen Untertitel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KcC7mBpoKo
#Antifa #AntifaEnternasyonal #TwitterKurds #Kobanê #KobanêFilm #AntifaInternational #ŞehîdNamirin #YPG #YPJ
#antifa #antifaenternasyonal #twitterkurds #kobane #kobanefilm #antifainternational #sehidnamirin #ypg #ypj
RT @YpgInt@twitter.com
Who else is watching the premier of the #Kobane Movie on youtube right now?
Subtitles in 7 languages
-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KcC7mBpoKo
#TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Rojava #YPG #YPJ #SDF #Victory #Freedom
#kobane #twitterkurds #kurdistan #Rojava #ypg #ypj #SDF #victory #freedom
🎞️ "Kobanê" - film de la Rojava Filmcommune (@KobaneFilm), sur la résistance de #YPJ & #YPG contre #ISIS. #KobaneFilm #kobane #Rojava #TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #SDF #Syria #DefeatDaesh
#ypj #ypg #isis #KobaneFilm #kobane #rojava #twitterkurds #kurdistan #sdf #syria #defeatdaesh
Die Ko-Bürgermeisterin der #HDP der Gemeinde #Nusaybin, #SaraKaya, wurde zu Unrecht zu 16 Jahren #Gefängnis in der #Türkei verurteilt.
Lasst sie nicht allein, holt sie aus der Anonymität des Knastes, schreibt ihr!
@naz_oke @zehradogan_net #twitterkurds
#hdp #nusaybin #sarakaya #gefangnis #turkei #twitterkurds
Evîn, eine pro-kurdische internationalistische Aktivistin zum Drama des kurdischen Volkes und seinem Kampf um Emanzipation (französisch). @CQFDjournal #Türkei #Kurdistan #twitterkurds
#turkei #kurdistan #twitterkurds
RT @YPJ_Info
➡️ The #Kobane movie about the resistance of #YPJ & #YPG against #ISIS will be live streamed on YouTube
🎥: Youtube "Kobane Film"
🗓️: February 4th
🕗: 8:00pm
🔗: https://youtu.be/6kfgn3LcidY
#kobane #ypj #ypg #isis #twitterkurds #kurdistan #Rojava #sdf #syria #defeatdaesh
RT @dersi4m@twitter.com
According to local sources from #Afrin at least five more Kurdish civilians have been abducted by #Turkey-backed jihadist groups from the districts Shiye and Jindires. Since the beginning of this year more than 30 Kurds have been kidnapped by jihadists #TwitterKurds
RT @dersi4m@twitter.com
Kurdish journalist #RojinAltay who is working for the newspaper @yeniyasamgazete@twitter.com was taken into police custody yesterday in Istanbul. Today her custody period has been extended for one more day (@MAturkce@twitter.com) #TwitterKurds
RT @mathof47
Die Stadt #Xoy braucht nach einem Erdbeben dringend humanitäre Hilfe.
Die Lage ist ernst!
#twitterkurds https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1619790975689424896
#twitterkurds #rojhilat #BeTheirVoice #jinaamini #kurdistan #xoy
RT @dersi4m@twitter.com
Kurdish journalist #RojinAltay who is working for the newspaper @yeniyasamgazete@twitter.com was taken into police custody yesterday in Istanbul. Today her custody period has been extended for one more day (@MAturkce@twitter.com) #TwitterKurds
RT @Esta__English@twitter.com
Security agencies announce arrest of five ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk #Esta #TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Kurds #Iraq #Kirkuk
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Esta__English/status/1619663924793864193
#kirkuk #Iraq #kurds #kurdistan #twitterkurds #ESTA
RT @Esta__English@twitter.com
PUK and KDP on Saturday agreed to continue talks following a meeting after months of conflictual relations
DETAILS: http://esta.krd/en/224951/?swcfpc=1
#Esta #TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Kurds #PUK #KDP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Esta__English/status/1619325289854808064
#KDP #puk #kurds #kurdistan #twitterkurds #ESTA
RT @1MedyaNews@twitter.com
📌The #JusticeforKurds campaign has been gathering signatures for the removal of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (#PKK) teroerist from the #EU's list of terrorist organisations for over a year.
#delistPKK | #TwitterKurds | #justice
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/1MedyaNews/status/1619153288389173249
#justiceforkurds #pkk #eu #delistpkk #twitterkurds #justice
➡️ The #Kobane movie about the resistance of #YPJ & #YPG against #ISIS will be live streamed on YouTube
🎥: Youtube "Kobane Film"
🗓️: February 4th
🕗: 8:00pm Syrian time (=6pm CET)
🔗: youtu.be/6kfgn3LcidY
#Kobane #YPJ #YPG #isis #twitterkurds #kurdistan #rojava #sdf #Syria #defeatdaesh