Twitter is set to charge businesses $1k a month for gold verification!! The blue verification mark is going to be removed.
Is Elon Musk’s Twitter in too much trouble to cover its debts?
#TwitterMEWS #ElonMuskMEWS #SocialMediaMEWS #DigitalMediaMEWS #BusinessMEWS #InternetMEWS #TechnologyMEWS
Social media platform faces $300m interest payment this week, and default could trigger debt restructuring – or bankruptcyElon Musk sold a statue of Twitter’s bird logo last week for $100,000 – and he needs the money. The social m...
#twittermews #elonmuskmews #socialmediamews #digitalmediamews #businessmews #internetmews #technologymews
Back to the future: how Mastodon is restoring the lost art of online conversation | John Naughton
#MastodonMEWS #TechnologyMEWS #TwitterMEWS #BloggingMEWS #InternetMEWS #DigitalMediaMEWS #SocialMediaMEWS #ElonMuskMEWS
The new social network and its interconnected ‘fediverse’ is a welcome alternative to blustering rival Twitter and Elon Musk...
#mastodonmews #technologymews #twittermews #bloggingmews #internetmews #digitalmediamews #socialmediamews #elonmuskmews