"Jack Dorsey apologizes for his Twitter-moderation choices, saying he did the 'wrong thing for the internet and society' despite calling his decisions the 'right thing' at the time"
#JackDorsey #Twitter #TwitterModeration
#twittermoderation #Twitter #jackdorsey
Elon Musk Continues Along The Content Moderation Learning Curve, But Doesn’t Seem To Be Learning A Damn Thing
#techdirt #TwitterModeration #Twitter #LeonSkum #ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #WillfulIgnorance
#willfulignorance #SpaceKaren #ElonMusk #leonskum #Twitter #twittermoderation #TechDirt
Some tweets I reported a month ago for racist white supremacist nonsense have resulted in the account being locked until the author deletes the reported tweets, with future infractions resulting in suspension.
#twitter #twittermoderation #moderation