Alexander Ruthol · @Je5usaurus_rex
262 followers · 1957 posts · Server

A great article on the Taibbi "twitter papers" fiasco over at the birdsite.
Extra recommended as it contains a debunk of the debunk Tabbi's/Musk's supporters are spouting on Twitter.

Also it finally made me understand why Taibbi left twitter and Musk hid Taibbis posts: Taibbi gave false testimony under oath about the "twitter papers" and both he and Musk need to reduce potential legal exposure.

#Twitter #twitterpapers #fiasco #debunk

Last updated 1 year ago

Randy Davison · @Ranandsus
0 followers · 7 posts · Server

Last week @GOP in FL submit a bill that anyone writing a blog about @RonDesantis or FL Legisl. Must register and disclose their source of income. This week the FTC under Biden requests the names of journalists who received the . Rep response? "There is no logical reason, for example, why the FTC needs to know the identities of journalists engaging with Twitter.” No governing, all partisan.


Last updated 1 year ago

Lynton North · @RedGreenLibre
187 followers · 1949 posts · Server

Interesting stuff on from - "..came from an account that features a logo and slogan indicating the user is a member of New Federal State of China. The NFSC is an organization set up in 2020 by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui, an exiled Chinese mogul, who has aggressively promoted false claims about Covid vaccines and the 2020 election".

#twitterpapers #motherjones #hunterbiden #bannon #nfsc #guowengui #conspiracytheories #covid #antivaxx

Last updated 2 years ago