Over in the strange birdie site, Elon Musk tells the world he about to remove the ability to block users who resort to bullying and harassment. Whether this for supposed 'free speech' or because he wants advertisers to have full access to everyone, who knows. One thing for certain, we'll see another massive surge of new users over here on Mastodon.
It is an ex-parrot. (X 🐦 geddit?) It has ceased to be. It has climbed the curtain and joined the Choir Invisible.
#twitterrefugees #birdapp #twitter
#mastodon #bluesky #twitterrefugees
Even those who support boycotts of companies whose backers are white supremacists, TERFS, or MAGA/Brexiters are willing to overlook FB's complicity in all manner of bad stuff, because that would mean actually making a change that would mildly inconvenience them.
And I think im done with them. Going to make one final appeal to them, then bin my account there.
#mastodon #bluesky #twitterrefugees
#mastodon #bluesky #twitterrefugees
I have friends and accomplices on FB who are similar - they complain about the data harvesting, the election interference, the lack of moderation ( or the complete inversion of moderation - CP seems to be fine, but complaining about people posting CP leads to a shafowban), the atrocities they are complicit in - but "their brand" on FB is too important to them.
#mastodon #bluesky #twitterrefugees
@curry_ryder Hi there. You'll find loads of us #Twitterrefugees over here. The first thing to do is think about an introduction. On Mastodon the hashtag is your friend. It how to find what you looking for. If you search on #Introduction then you'll see loads of other intros to give you an idea.
#introduction #twitterrefugees
J+3 sur #mastodon , les locaux sont amicaux ; je n'ai plus l'habitude, vais-je survivre cette bienveillance ? Vais-je reprendre des doses de haines ailleurs ? Ma maman m'a dit d'arrêter de croire aux bisounours, que la vie est une jungle. 🤡 Affaire à suivre 😱
#humour #twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitterrefugees #jeprecisequecestdelhumourparcequemonhumourestnul
#mastodon #humour #twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitterrefugees #jeprecisequecestdelhumourparcequemonhumourestnul
For #TwitterRefugees: the default mastodon app isn’t great. There are several, though, and some are good, but you can also just use a browser on your phone, and it’s great! An app isn’t actually necessary.
Hit the limit this morning.
No warning, no error.
Twitter just stopped accepting replies, likes, and retweets.
Seems like a good time to end it.
Greetings, #twitterrefugees
Be sure to add plenty of hashtags to your posts. #Mastodon doesn't have an algorithm. I love seeing all the new faces!
Come one! Come all! The great #twittermigration is upon us!
#twitterrefugees #mastodon #twittermigration
Ich werde einfach Mal für alle #twitterrefugees ein paar #fcsp Größen, die den Sprung auf Mastodon geschafft haben teilen.
Ihr könnt die Liste gern ergänzen, damit die #fcstpauli Bubble auf Mastodon weiter wächst🤎🤍
#fcstpauli #fcsp #twitterrefugees
For all the new #TwitterRefugees and #TwitterDown escapees, here's the blueberry muffin recipe my mom used when I was wee. There. Now we're friends. Go make some muffins for your perfect self.
The text of the recipe is in the image description of the photos if you'd rather have that.
Mastodon is getting a new wave of #TwitterRefugees due to yet another set of bad decisions by bird site CEO Leon Skum. To the new users, welcome! Once upon a time I too was a refugee from that site, but it has been so many refugee waves ago that I feel like an old hand, or at least an older hand now. It takes some getting used to here, but it's worth the effort.
Imagine if many people on Twitter just posted a bunch of lorem ipsum and wasted views for suckers who paid for Twitter Blue. I’m not saying we should do that but it would be hilarious. Don’t do it though. #twitterdown #twitterrefugees #TwitterFail #TwitterExodus
#twitterdown #twitterrefugees #twitterfail #twitterexodus
Welcome #TwitterRefugees of the latest #TwitterMigration.
We hope you will join us for #HashTagGames!
We start a new game each evening at 9pm EST. Play when you can. Some games play for days but we do start a new game each night.
We ask our players to include #HashTagGames so non-players, if they really exist, can mute that tag and not get the game noise in their timelines from the new nightly game hashtags.
Follow us and the hashtag to stay in the loop.
#twitterrefugees #twittermigration #hashtaggames
RIP Twitter it was a good run! This is a better way! #twitter #Twitterexodus #twitterrefugees #rip
#twitter #twitterexodus #twitterrefugees #rip
Tips for new or returning users:
Subscribe to @icymi_law for an algorithmically curated feed of posts from lawyers and court-watchers.
Follow @lisamelton for an endless supply of quality boosts.
In fact, follow anyone who boosts something interesting onto your timeline. It's a good way to get more of the same.
Block trolls, argumentative folks, and annoying users on sight. Liberal blocking makes for a healthy feed and a healthy Mastodon.
#twitter #twittermigration #twitterrefugees
I know I don’t post much here but as the owner of the bad place seems determined to ruin it, just posting under the #DoctorWho tag so any new #TwitterRefugees who might recognise me can see me.
Hi 👋
Reminder: If you no longer want to support #Twitter , you may want to delete your account.
If you only reduce your activity, you will still be counted as "active user" and appear as other users' follower. (And the number of followers is one of the main things that keeps people on that site.)
By the way, even without an account you can view much content on Twitter (e.g., via links on #mastodon).
#Twitter #mastodon #twittermigration #twitterrefugees
Mastodon vs twitter bonus no 63527—The web clients & apps, both native & third party, are super quick & silky smooth. They aren't trying to load a bunch of bloated ad tracking, algorithm or fancy but untested render methods. It’s quick, it's chronological, it works & I don't even need to have uBlock enabled because there is nothing to block. It's just better. Makes me want to do this. #mastodon #twitterrefugees #tech #socialmedia
#socialmedia #tech #twitterrefugees #mastodon