Hmmm ich hatte keine Erstattung angefordert #Apple #twitter #twitterriffic
#apple #twitter #twitterriffic
@FranziskaKernen @aenniontour @GabyRudolf ja das ist bisher auch das beste was mir untergekommen ist. Man darf auch an die Entwickler spenden.
Einzig die Funktion wie in #Twitterriffic einzelne Hashtags und accounts zu Muten fehlt. Geht hier zwar auch aber dann wird es gänzlich ausgeblendet und nicht zugeklappt.
This is rather new and exciting!
After the shoddy treatment of #twitterriffic at the other place I thought it was time to see what else is out there…
Don’t want to be like one of those brash townies that move into a lovely village and then try and change it to make it more like the town they’ve moved from…you’ll hardly know I’m here!
After #twitter finally killed @chockenberry's #twitterriffic (and many more), I was investing some time to groom my @Mastodon account. But I’m hitting rate limits insane quickly. That’s annoying already. Has anybody any advice? Thanks.
Bad news for those who are still on the Bird Site and are accustomed to accessing it via third party apps. It looks like #Twitter has revoked the API Keys for apps like #Twitterriffic, #Tweetbot and #Echofon.
#twitter #twitterriffic #tweetbot #echofon
Well, the death of #Twitterriffic finally tipped the scales for me. I deleted it and #Twitter, entirely. My main activity had moved here already, but I still used Twitter to follow local accounts and a few holdouts. Now I just won’t have that resource… but I also won’t be helping prop up Twitter. It feels like the death of a good friend, after a long illness. It’s sad.
Just reinstalled #Twitterriffic, as I’ve come to realise that for the few accounts over there which I still want to follow, #Twitter with a 3rd party client is still less spammy than #Instagram 🤦‍♂️
#twitterriffic #twitter #instagram
@Perlenmarmelade @alex1010 für #twitter nutze ich #twitterriffic . Twitterrifiic zeigt nur die Accounts denen man folgt. Die #Timeline ist chronologisch. #Metatext ist ähnlich und funktioniert daher für mich sehr gut. Konnte mich damit gut aus #Mastodon anfreunden und zurechtfinden.
#mastodon #metatext #timeline #twitterriffic #twitter