Gone, but not forgotten. Used as good reasons to exit the respective social networks. #apollo #Twitterrific
Peeked in on the bird site early this morning and GOOD LORD it is fully unbearable.
Not even talking about any political/fascist-supporting/whatever moral position; I mean the *actual* app. I always interacted through #Twitterrific or #Tweetbot, so I had no direct experience of the ads or algorithm. Now that you’re forced to deal with them…why would anyone still choose to do that?!?
So many ads for metal wallets and jarringly out-of-place sponsored tweets! So, so many. Blech.
I wish there was some way I could play with the original jailbreak version of #Twitterrific by @Iconfactory again. I’d be happy with a version that’s not actually live. Maybe like a snapshot of tweets from a decade ago, or a bunch of made up stuff.
@gedeonm Killed my Twitter accounts when he killed #Twitterrific - it was the final straw.
As @gruber says below, the great indie developers who wrote #TweetBot (the makers of the fine @ivory for #mastodon ) and #Twitterrific can use their (soon to be former) users’ help: just open the app (re-download if necessary) and tap “I don’t need a refund”. Otherwise Apple *will take the funds away.
This seems like a small price to pay to show them our appreciation. And to balance with some grace the lack of it shown by the new owner of Twitter.
#twitterrific #mastodon #tweetbot
If you were an active subscriber of #Tweetbot or #Twitterrific when #Twitter shut down their API you can help the small companies behind the apps.
#tweetbot #twitterrific #twitter
Long story short: If you’re a subscriber to either Tweetbot or Twitterrific, you can help them out with three simple steps:
1. Reinstall the app if you’ve already deleted it; otherwise, make sure you’re running the latest version.
2. Tap the “I Don’t Need a Refund” button.
3. Feel good and go buy yourself a treat, knowing you helped the good folks at a small company whose work you’ve appreciated (and will continue to).
Long story long: https://daringfireball.net/2023/03/tweetbot_and_twitterrific_face_the_cliff
I genuinely didn’t think I’d have had a #TweetBot refund, as I did cancel when I moved here.
Turns out I did! Just declined it as I’m already subscribed to @ivory.
Make sure you install Tweetbot or #Twitterrific to check, and please do decline the refund.
Bad news for Tweetbot and Twitterrific users: changes to Twitter's API are forcing developers to remove popular features from their third-party apps. #Tweetbot #Twitterrific #TwitterAPI #SocialMedia #itaddup
#tweetbot #twitterrific #twitterapi #socialmedia #itaddup
My Tweetbot sub was close to renewing when twitter started losing it and I moved over here and cancelled the sub. It expired a month ago, so figured this wouldn't apply. Just downloaded Tweetbot to check and Apple would have refunded some of it anyways so I opted out with the “I don't need a refund” button.
Just re-installed #twitterrific in order to tell them to keep my remaining subscription fee. The Space Boer really screwed things up for a lot of people.
Jeśli ktoś używał #Tweetbot lub #Twitterrific, można ściągnąć aktualizację tych aplikacji. Autorzy dodali nowy screen, w którym można zrezygnować z refundu lub przenieść pozostałą część subskrypcji na poczet @ivory.
Wszystko opisał @gruber:
Spread the word https://daringfireball.net/2023/03/tweetbot_and_twitterrific_face_the_cliff #tweetbot #twitterrific #twitter
#tweetbot #twitterrific #twitter
Falls ihr bei Twitter die Apps #Tweetbot oder #Twitterrific benutzt habt…
Nachdem Twitter alle bis auf die offiziellen Clients vom Zugriff abgeschnitten hat, bleiben die Entwickler nun auf den Kosten für nicht erfüllbare Abos sitzen. Tausende von Abos müssen zurückgezahlt werden.
Wenn ihr Tweetbot oder Twitterrific gerne benutzt habt, gebt den Entwicklern die Chance und verzichtet auf die Rückerstattung - das geht in den Apps.
Subscription model reversed
Important: If you are or were subscriber of #Tweetbot or #Twitterrific, please help the developers!
★ Tweetbot and Twitterrific Face the Cliff https://daringfireball.net/2023/03/tweetbot_and_twitterrific_face_the_cliff
#tweetbot #twitterrific #boost #ivory
Bottom line for former #Tweetbot and #Twitterrific users: You literally hold the fate of stalwart #indie #developers @tapbots and @Iconfactory in your hands.
If you do nothing, if you say nothing to your friends, then these #software #innovators become collateral damage in #ElonMusk's destruction of #Twitter.
Do the right thing. Tell everyone. Install and run the #apps one last time. Give them an honorable farewell and decline the refund. https://daringfireball.net/2023/03/tweetbot_and_twitterrific_face_the_cliff#fnr1-2023-02-28
#tweetbot #twitterrific #indie #developers #software #innovators #elonmusk #twitter #apps
„If you are a subscriber to either #Tweetbot or #twitterrific , I beseech you to decline these prorated refunds. It’s a couple of bucks for you, but in the aggregate, this amounts to an existential sum of already booked revenue for these two companies, both exemplars of the indie iOS and Mac community.“
If you used #Tweetbot or #Twitterrific, please, download the latest version of their applications [1][2]. By doing it, you get to donate the rest of your subscription, and not burden them with the refund of their service, which they will provide pro-rated from the date Twitter closed service (Jan 12) if you do nothing.
They are doing the right thing to do, but you can too.
More info in Daringfireball [3].
[1]: https://apps.apple.com/app/tweetbot-for-twitter/id1527500834
[2]: https://apps.apple.com/app/twitterrific-tweet-your-way/id580311103
[3]: https://daringfireball.net/2023/03/tweetbot_and_twitterrific_face_the_cliff