I've only been on #mastodon for about 2 weeks and I already am having way more fun than I've had on #twitter in the last 1.5 years!
#mastodon #Twitter #twittersux
Ok, I get it #twittersux , #ElonMuskWrongForTwitter , the whole thing is a mess and been so for a good little bit. I do understand, but seriously I came over here to get out of the dumpster and would appreciate you dropping your Twitter baggage: can the balloon juice over it so we can all get on with our parlour tricks. Find a new topic and at least support the #admin of your instance because this isn't a commercial site so put up or shut up #stfu #twitternoise #ElonTheIdiot
#twittersux #elonmuskwrongfortwitter #admin #stfu #twitternoise #elontheidiot
I feel like I'm doing something wrong. My Twitter account hasnt been banned yet.
what’s one cool thing you’re currently learning about?
I’ve been deep diving into ethics with “Being Good” by Simon Blackburn. This is my second go of learning about ethics and is just as fascinating as ever.
#mastodonrocks #anyonehere? #questionstonobody #ethics #whathashtagswork? #twittersux? #philosophy
#philosophy #twittersux #whathashtagswork #ethics #questionstonobody #anyonehere #mastodonrocks
I realized that I DO NOT want to bring anything over from the Bird site. #twittersux
Ex-Twitter employees created their own Mastodon instance...
so funny... but.. anyway, enjoy the #Fediverse !
"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." - https://macaw.social/about/more
#fediverse #twitter #twittersux #mastodon
Well, this came across Mastodon today and wrote a little piece here ↙️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cks3L4zSWaP/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I noticed that Elon Musk is kinda mad or something because he tweeted saying some like "if you don't like Twitter, go to Masterbadon" (or like that, wanting to make an insult). But, sorry, it did not work, and more if he deleted it time later, he knew it was wrong. LOL
#Twitter #TwitterSux
Something I dislike here in #Mastodon now:
People who migrates from #Twitter because of "hate" or "intolerance" now are here saying: "if you disagree, you should not be here!". Seriously?
Whatever you believe or do, not my business, as long as you don't harm others, but being that arrogant, should stay at Twitter or #Facebook where snowflakes are there.
#FreeSpeech #Fuckbook #TwitterSux
#mastodon #twitter #facebook #freespeech #fuckbook #twittersux
I think I will now fully abandon the shite of the site that is twitter, first the toxicity, second the shitty algorithm and now that nft trash.
Mastodon is one of the best websites for artists and of course the community is great!