I'm thrilled that Twitter is now compensating its verified creators who have had 5 million or more impressions per month in the last three months! #CreativeEmpowerment #TwitterVerified #CreatorCompensation #FinancialSupport #SocialMediaInnovation http://www.techmeme.com/230713/p35#a230713p35
#creativeempowerment #twitterverified #creatorcompensation #financialsupport #socialmediainnovation
I didn't know that this whole thing had a name, but I should have guessed... #BlueWedding #TwitterVerified #ElonFuckery
#bluewedding #twitterverified #elonfuckery
🎶 Where have all the tweeters gone?
🎵 Long time passing
🎶 Where have all the tweeters gone?
🎵 Not long ago
🎶 Where have all the tweeters gone?
🎵 Moved on
🎶 To #Mastodon
🎵 When will they ever learn?
🎶 When will they ever learn?
🎶 Where have all the #BlueChecks gone?
🎵 Long time passing
🎶 Where have all the #BlueTicks gone?
🎵 Not long ago
🎶 Where have all the #BlueChecks gone?
🎵 Moved on
🎶 To Mastodon
🎵 When will they ever learn?
🎶 When will they ever learn?
(Sung to the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by #TheKingstonTrio.)
#MastodonMigration #TwitterMigration #TwitterBlue #BlueCheckMarks #Verified #TwitterExodus #TwitterExit #TwitterFail #TwitterBlueCheck #TwitterVerified #Elon #Musk #ElonMusk #TwitterVerification #Twitter #Newbies #NewHereFromTwitter
#Mastodon #bluechecks #blueticks #thekingstontrio #mastodonmigration #twittermigration #twitterblue #bluecheckmarks #verified #twitterexodus #twitterexit #twitterfail #twitterbluecheck #twitterverified #elon #musk #elonmusk #twitterverification #Twitter #newbies #newherefromtwitter
People can say what they want about #TwitterBlue, but I think it's a great move for the platform. I mean, why not verify those who are speaking out against it? It shows that the White House values their opinions and wants to make sure their voices are heard. #VerifyThemNotSilenceThem #ElonMusk #TwitterVerified http://www.techmeme.com/230422/p11#a230422p11
#twitterblue #verifythemnotsilencethem #elonmusk #twitterverified
Starting tomorrow, #Twitter will be removing legacy verified checkmarks on their website. For our part, we will be blocking all #TwitterVerified accounts that are less than 100 followers if they show up on our feed. If you have to pay $8 bucks to be verified, then you're not worth seeing.
#Twitter's blue ticks disappear as #ElonMusk attacks the #NewYorkTimes
The New York Times, along with several other organizations and celebrities, said they would not pay for the tick.
It prompted Elon Musk to launch a volley of insults at the newspaper.
#twitter #elonmusk #newyorktimes #twitterverified
Let's talk about how social media is changing....
#beauofthefifthcolumn #twitterverified
Twiier Blue Tick Now Available in India
#twitter #twitterbluetick #TamilTechSolutions #tamiltechsolutions #twiiterblue #twitterverified #twitterbluesubscription #webversion #twitterweb #twittermobile
#twitter #twitterbluetick #tamiltechsolutions #twiiterblue #twitterverified #twitterbluesubscription #Webversion #twitterweb #twittermobile
Unternehmen können bald für 1.000 Dollar pro Monat ein goldenes Verifizierungshakerl kaufen! Folgt mir für mehr Tipps zum Thema Geldverschwendung!
#twitter #twitterverified #TaxTheRich
#twitter #twitterverified #TaxTheRich
மூன்று Color-களில் #Twitter Verified Tick
#elonmusk #ElonMuskTwitter #verifiedaccount #bluetick #tamiltechsolutions #tamilblogging #TwitterBlueTick #twitterverified
#twitter #elonmusk #elonmusktwitter #verifiedaccount #BlueTick #tamiltechsolutions #tamilblogging #twitterbluetick #twitterverified
It gets crazier by day with these check marks and badges. Yes, this is for real.
#twitter #twitterverified #twitterbadges #wtf
Musk won’t relaunch Twitter Blue until he finds a way to avoid Apple fees
He also raised the price of blue checks by 1 cent.
#elonmusk #twitter #twitterblue #twitterverified
Elon Musk has allowed QAnon accounts and content to flood back onto Twitter, where they’re spreading violent conspiracy theories and dangerous disinformation and promoting QAnon events. Some of the accounts now carry a verified blue check symbol.
#ElonMusk #Twitter #QAnon #TwitterVerified
#elonmusk #twitter #qanon #twitterverified
- Gli abbonati saranno in grado di cambiare il proprio username, nome visualizzato o foto profilo, ma se lo fanno potrebbero perdere temporaneamente la spunta blu fino a quando l'account non verrà di nuovo verificato.
Gold for companies, grey for governments, and blue for people.
That's quite the system he's dreamed up there.
#twitterverified #twitterchaos #releaseonfriday
@meyer so what does #TwitterVerified even mean? Pre-Elon verification was also confusing for me since individuals like Dr. Oz were “verified”
Can't stop laughing... LOL 🤣 #TwitterTakeoff #TwitterSoapOpera #TwitterVerified #ByeTwitter #Twitter #JesusChristAccountVerified (LOL) #ElonClown #ElonMusk
#elonmusk #elonclown #jesuschristaccountverified #twitter #byetwitter #twitterverified #twittersoapopera #twittertakeoff
A lot of jabs at #Twitter around, but then again let's think about it.
If I had an account there, for only $8 I could be a Totally #OriginalFiction Writer. Which is, technically, cheaper than what any Deal With the Devil with any of the various publishing houses will cost you.
#twitter #originalfiction #writing #twitterverified #FirstWorldWriterProblems
Neue #Twitter-Kehrtwende: Grauer Haken für Firmen zurück, aber Blue-Abo gesperrt | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Naechste-Kehrtwende-bei-Twitter-Der-graue-Haken-fuer-Medien-und-Firmen-ist-zurueck-7336718.html #TwitterTakeOver #TwitterVerified #ElonMusk #TwitterBlue
#twitterblue #elonmusk #twitterverified #Twittertakeover #twitter
Jajaja 😂 #Twitter #TwitterVerification #twitterverified
#twitterverified #TwitterVerification #Twitter