If anyone is interested in the link (showing the making no reference to the possibility of buying an file and storing it locally vs streaming or buying a CD in the context of ):


#bbc #mp3 #sustainability #twoParadigmDebate #restrictTheFrame

Last updated 2 years ago

We realised those so-called "" that engage in vs garbage and similar resemble the old school of the 90s.

These are aimed at preteens.

We never watch them, we just notice how prominent they are and that got us thinking about what they are really about.

Agree though, it doesn't make them less damaging. In fact it could make them moreso!

#inflencers #intel #amd #ConsoleWars #ChipWars #twoParadigmDebate #falseChoice #restrictTheFrame #indoctrination

Last updated 4 years ago