Vegan lox is bullshit.
It taste pretty good, but it's nothing like lox. #twocents
What does #success mean in this #postpandemic #world?
#money? #power? Or, #personal and #professional #fulfillment ?
More importantly, being #successful in a #hyper #speed #planet, is both a #false #positive and a #sisyphean #treadmill to nowhere?
My #twocents on #wiining and #losing and about #winners and #losers.
#success #postpandemic #world #money #power #personal #professional #fulfillment #successful #hyper #speed #planet #false #positive #sisyphean #treadmill #twocents #wiining #losing #Winners #losers
Somebody had to ask this?
With dizzying #change and #accelerated #lives, no wonder the #conversation around #mentalhealth is now a #breakingnews and #trending topic.
My #twocents.
#change #accelerated #lives #conversation #mentalhealth #breakingnews #trending #twocents
I must say I really don’t like your idea that “favouriting” a post is faint praise and people should defer to boosting.
I click the little star button to show the poster that I’ve read and appreciated what they wrote.
I only boost things that fit with my specific interests. That way if people are interested in the same things I’m interested in they scroll through the things I’ve posted and boosted and see a coherent set of posts (without my feed being gummed up with things I’ve appreciated while browsing, but aren’t really key topics of interest to me).
Just my #TwoCents
#twocents #mastodon #postingetiquette #toots #boosts #favourites
i hate to say, for the most part, i only encountered\ the odd troll or 12 on the bird site. didn't see most of the craptastic crap. now that i only go back to see what this hour's disaster is? yeah. when Alex Jones not being reinstated is the big mad cause of the day, and Ray Epps is trending?
nah, bro. you can keep all that. i got animal and space pics to look at over here. BY CHOICE. nothing forced. AND the community has been nothing but kind.
i hate to say, for the most part, i only encountered\ the odd troll or 12 on the bird site. didn't see most of the craptastic crap. now that i only go back to see what this hour's disaster is? yeah. when Alex Jones not being reinstated is the big mad cause of the day, and Ray Epps is trending?
nah, bro. you can keep all that. i got animal and space pics to look at over here. BY CHOICE. nothing forced. AND the community has been nothing but kind.
@RiskFromHome @adorkable I've found the preview aspect refreshing, and I don't hesitate to click to read. It's nice to give my brain a low-effort preview of the point of the ensuing paragraph, so if I don't feel like thinking about that topic right now, I can keep scrolling. It feels more mentally restful than rapidly parsing the first two lines to determine what the topic of the post will be before reading. #twocents
Being stuck on #mastodon instead of insta is a new - and welcome - thing these days xD
#mindlessramblings #thoughts #twocents #mastodon
@namssa I just use Alpine, which was once called just Pine. It's excellent for email. Else, I don't see what's better than Thunderbird. Are you running your own IMAP, or is it hosted? While @adam might advocate that, you're giving yourself many opportunities to screw it up. My #twocents