The young guy just voted in for Labour and who enthusiastically supports keeping the is just following recent Labour tradition.

#redtories #twochildcap #sirkidstarver

Last updated 1 year ago

Jackie Baillie, with her very posh accent, rightly being given a hard time on BBC Scotland GMS this morning.

Scottish Labour opposes the but will support Sir Kid Starver implementing it in London while expecting ScotGov to mitigate it, which Labour in Wales won't do...

#sirkidstarver #poverty #scottishindependence #scotland #cymru #starmer #labour #hypocrisy #twochildcap

Last updated 1 year ago

Conservative Starmer.

Is there any point in voting Labour?

#twochildcap #poverty #redtories #starmer #ToryStarmer

Last updated 1 year ago