Happy 15th anniversary to Christopher Nolan’s film, “The Dark Knight”, which opened in cinemas on this day in 2008. #thedarkknight #batman #thejoker #twoface #christophernolan #heathledger #whysoserious
#thedarkknight #batman #thejoker #twoface #ChristopherNolan #heathledger #whysoserious
It's been pretty quiet for over a year, but the About Faces Livejournal website about #TwoFace is still one of the most wonderful #Batman-related resources out there: https://about-faces.livejournal.com/
Drawn with pencil then Inked with Pigma Micron pens, Stabillo Fineliner pens, and Staedtler fineliner pens.
#stippling #twoface #fanart #Batman #comics #villains #drawing #illustration #harveydent #mysketchbook #art #InkDrawing
#stippling #twoface #fanart #batman #comics #villains #drawing #illustration #harveydent #mysketchbook #art #inkdrawing
Kotaku: Gotham Knights Six Months Later: Better, But Still Mid https://kotaku.com/gotham-knights-batman-batgirl-nightwing-dlc-wb-games-1850378621 #gaming #tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #batman3anoman27sland #fictionalcharacters #stephaniebrown #batman3aarkham #gothamknights #creativeworks #barbaragordon #taliaalghul #harveydent #gothamcity #ethangach #showdown #twoface #batgirl #fiction #gotham #batman #james #robin #babs #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #batman3anoman27sland #fictionalcharacters #stephaniebrown #batman3aarkham #GothamKnights #creativeworks #barbaragordon #taliaalghul #harveydent #gothamcity #ethangach #showdown #twoface #batgirl #fiction #gotham #batman #James #robin #babs #rpg
#GothamKnights addresses one aspect of #Harve Dent's background that #BatmanForever and #TheDarkKnight ignored.
#GothamKnights #harve #batmanforever #thedarkknight #gothamknightsshow #gothamknightstv #arrowverse #twoface
#Batman #BatmanOneBadDay #BatmanOneBadDayTwoFace #TwoFace #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #DC #DCComics #HarveyDent #JavierFernandez #Lesen #MarikoTamaki #Meinung #Review #Rezension #Test #Testbericht #Wertung #Bewerten
#batman #batmanonebadday #batmanonebaddaytwoface #twoface #comic #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #dc #dccomics #harveydent #javierfernandez #lesen #marikotamaki #meinung #review #rezension #test #testbericht #Wertung #bewerten
Na das sieht nach viel #Lesespaß aus 🥳
- #Berserk 17
- #Batman 2 (#JokerWar)
- #JessicaJonesVariants
- #AquamanAndromeda
- #CatwomanLonelyCity
- #BatmanOneBadDayTwoFace
#batmanOneBadDax #TwoFace #LonelyCity #Comic #comics #comicbook #comicbuch #manga #lesen
#Lesespaß #BERserk #batman #jokerwar #jessicajonesvariants #aquamanandromeda #catwomanlonelycity #batmanonebaddaytwoface #batmanonebaddax #twoface #lonelycity #comic #comics #comicbook #comicbuch #manga #lesen
Flashback to my Two-Face Harvey Dent cosplay. I made the prosthetic myself. I miss doing this character. I also made the Scarcrow mask and costume worn by my spouse.
#twoface #harveydent #harveydentcosplay #harveydenttwoface #cosplay #dcu #batmanvillain #theJoker #Joker #scarecrow #eyecontact #fakeinjury #sfxmakeup #costume
#twoface #harveydent #harveydentcosplay #harveydenttwoface #cosplay #dcu #batmanvillain #thejoker #joker #scarecrow #eyecontact #fakeinjury #sfxmakeup #costume
#GothamKnights may look like the most CW #Superhero show ever, with a diverse cast of twenty-somethings playing teenagers and #MishaCollins as #HarveyDent, but it is far better than its trailers suggest, with some minor #Batman family characters being brought to life perfectly and a story borrowing from #TheDarkKnightReturns.
Matt previews the first six episodes, rating them 4/5 - kabOOOOm - and recommending you give the show a chance on March 14.
#GothamKnightsShow #GothamKnightsSeries #GothamKnightsCW #CW #TheCW #CWGothamKnights #JokersDaughter #HarperRow #CullenRow #CarrieKelley #Spoiler #Robin #StephanieBrown #Bluebird #TwoFace
#GothamKnights #superhero #mishacollins #harveydent #batman #thedarkknightreturns #gothamknightsshow #gothamknightsseries #gothamknightscw #cw #thecw #cwgothamknights #jokersdaughter #harperrow #cullenrow #carriekelley #spoiler #robin #stephaniebrown #bluebird #twoface
One of the most underrated aspects of Frank Miller's 1986 "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" is how the first issue is one of the best depictions of #dysphoria and #dysmorphia I've ever seen in popular culture. I know exactly how Two-Face feels in this story. 1/21
#genderdysphoria #bodydysmorphia #internalizedbigotry #internalizedfatphobia #internalizedtransmisogyny #batman #twoface #harveydent #superheroes #comics #comicbooks #comicbooksuperheroes #superherocomicbooks #superherocomics
#dysphoria #dysmorphia #genderdysphoria #bodydysmorphia #internalizedbigotry #InternalizedFatphobia #internalizedtransmisogyny #batman #twoface #HarveyDent #superheroes #comics #comicbooks #comicbooksuperheroes #superherocomicbooks #superherocomics
I know this has been going around the birdsight for the last number of years, but I thought I'd post it here with #AltText.
I'm usually against #AIart but I can make an exception for this.
#Batman #DC #Movie #AI #ROBIN #Alfred #BruceWayne #TheJoker #TwoFace
#alttext #aiart #batman #dc #movie #ai #robin #alfred #BruceWayne #thejoker #twoface
#forharveybygrandad #norwichillustrators #nuaalumni #twoface #DCComics #comics
Working in the Norwich Playhouse
#comics #dccomics #twoface #harveydent #illustration
#comics #DCComics #twoface #HarveyDent #illustration
I just casually realized that my Tw*tter Liberation Day ( #Twiberation ?)/ Instance Initiation Day was 11/11/22. It was a coincidence, but you can’t spell coincidence without c-o-i-n!
Art by the legendary José Luis García-López. Original color by Tatjana Wood, remaster and re-color by Scott Dutton.
#TwoFace #TwoFer #Batman #JoseLuisGarciaLopez #JLGL #Comics #ComicBooks @comics @comicstodon
#twiberation #twoface #twofer #batman #joseluisgarcialopez #jlgl #comics #comicbooks
Wanna see a magic trick?
#movie #movies #superheroes #supervillain #Joker #twoface #batman #thedarkknight #reservoirdogs #quentintarantino
#movie #movies #superheroes #supervillain #joker #twoface #batman #thedarkknight #reservoirdogs #quentintarantino
#ArkhamAsylum #TwoFace #Riddler #Joker #HarleyQuinn #MadHatter #MrZsasz #TheVentriloquistandScarface #MaxieZeus #MrFreeze #Penguin #BtAS #Comics
#arkhamasylum #twoface #riddler #joker #harleyquinn #madhatter #mrzsasz #theventriloquistandscarface #maxiezeus #mrfreeze #penguin #btas #comics
That's the Shatner Two-Face, right? That figure looks a lot more like William Shatner than John Forsythe, which is what the comic version kind of looks like on the cover.
RT @mcfarlanetoys@twitter.com
"Heads or Tails, Batman?"
Two-Face from the Batman 66' comic is COMING SOON exclusively to @Target@twitter.com!
#McFarlaneToys #DCRetro #Batman66 #TwoFace
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mcfarlanetoys/status/1611377735183601664
#mcfarlanetoys #dcretro #batman66 #twoface