Glenda Glover did such a good job leading #Tennessee State University that the Freshman class last year was TWICE as big as it had ever been!
But the racist #TNleg wasn’t happy about her success, and has treated her like the ‘#TwoJustins ‘ in the #TennesseeThree.
#tennessee #tnleg #twojustins #tennesseethree Ousted Tennessee legislator Justin Jones reinstated after Nashville council vote
The council suspended the rules to allow an immediate vote on Jones’ seat. Less than an hour later, Jones was sworn in on the steps of the State Capitol.
#BanAssaultWeapons #GunReformNow #NashvilleShootings #StudentProtests #TooManyGuns #TwoJustins #JustinJones #CivilRightsMovement #TennesseeFascism #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#BanAssaultWeapons #GunReformNow #nashvilleshootings #studentprotests #toomanyguns #twojustins #justinjones #civilrightsmovement #tennesseefascism #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy