Daniel M. Reck · @DanielMReck
50 followers · 251 posts · Server mas.to

@miss_s_b That is another excellent choice, with the obvious follow-up to that being .

Oops. I meant . (Unless you want some really good laughs, in which case is really the way to go.)


#theshinysculptedpecsofricardomontalbanaresuperspecialeffects #twok #khaaaaaaaaaaaaan #intodarkness #thewrathofkhan #startrekintodarkness

Last updated 1 year ago

Anarchy How · @Anarchy_How
343 followers · 803 posts · Server mastodon.green

I'm watching the Wrath of Khan and this scene is fascinating given where we are at in . It is noteworthy that Savik was the captain of the original Titan in .

Here, Kirk, Savik, and party being aboard the while discussing the ruse between Spock and Kirk to confound Khan in .

#picard #StarTrek #enterprise #twok

Last updated 2 years ago

Humanist Trek Podcast · @humanisttrek
359 followers · 115 posts · Server trekkies.social

The Enterprise encounters a sleeper ship full of GMO people from the eugenics wars of the 1990's. Khan and the GMOs take over the Enterprise, but in the end Kirk dumps them on Ceti Alpha V. Is this wild west cowboy diplomacy out of place in 2267? Why all the admiration for GMO people anyway? And how does Khan remember Chekov in if Chekov wasn't even part of the cast yet?

🔊 Listen now at HumanistTrek.com!

#twok #startrek #startrektos #startrektheoriginalseries #ricardomontalban #khan

Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast Out! Khan is back, and this time revenge is a dish, best served cold. Enterprise is on a training mission, but Kirk takes charge, forgets to raise the shields, even though Saavik reminded him. Put on your monster maroons and get ready to Kobayashi Maru the Wrath of Khan!


#startrek #twok #khan

Last updated 2 years ago

bpod · @bpod
15 followers · 65 posts · Server glammr.us

@5easypieces How fabulous. I've never seen Shatner in person, but imagine it was memorable.

I *did* catch a screening of in LA with a Nimoy Q&A in 2012, though! đź––



Last updated 2 years ago

Koven! · @5easypieces
292 followers · 283 posts · Server social.coop

Also, still holds up, even after having seen it approximately a billion times.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cronos · @Devilcronos
9 followers · 16 posts · Server mstdn.social

Disfruté mucho leyendo la trilogía de Nacidos de la Bruma (salvo su final tan religioso), pero The Way of Kings me está costando mucho.
Entiendo que el ritmo es más lento pues es el inicio de una obra que va a durar 10 libros (cada una de más de mil páginas, aparentemente), pero de la 3 historias que me presentan -o dos para el caso- sólo una me interesa.
La otra me parece pesada, mas porque parece que van a hacer un Eddard Stark

#bookreview #twok #Sanderson

Last updated 2 years ago

Cronos · @Devilcronos
13 followers · 38 posts · Server mstdn.social

Disfruté mucho leyendo la trilogía de Nacidos de la Bruma (salvo su final tan religioso), pero The Way of Kings me está costando mucho.
Entiendo que el ritmo es más lento pues es el inicio de una obra que va a durar 10 libros (cada una de más de mil páginas, aparentemente), pero de la 3 historias que me presentan -o dos para el caso- sólo una me interesa.
La otra me parece pesada, mas porque parece que van a hacer un Eddard Stark

#bookreview #twok #Sanderson

Last updated 2 years ago