ashul · @ashul
69 followers · 255 posts · Server

Any tips on travel cape region south Africa and then Namibia?

Thinking two weeks around cape town perhaps hit the garden route and then fly to Namibia and two more weeks there.

Doing the two oceans run as well on the 15th April. So travel dates are 11th April - 14th May ish.

Also is there a game drive that can be done near Cape town?

#roadtripping #travel #southafrica #namibia #2oceans #twooceans #askfedi

Last updated 2 years ago

Asia Alsgaard · @alsgaard
97 followers · 49 posts · Server

What fish are in the assemblage at and ? You can see some at the in Cape Town, South Africa— here are three beauties!

You’ll find the Red Stumpnose and Galjoen from the at Blombos Cave and the White Stumpnose and Galjoen at Klasies.

(Data and map from van Niekerk 2011)

#zooarchaeology #BlombosCave #klaisesrivermainsite #twooceans #aquarium #Endemic #MiddleStoneAge

Last updated 2 years ago