I wish I had more time to read this properly because I have mixed feelings on #TwoSetViolin双琴侠 #TwoSetViolin's response to the staff exploitation allegations which have been raised in their subreddit since near the beginning of this leg of their world tour, which includes the show I attended last Thursday. https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/14wqv9x/responding_to_allegations
#TwoSetViolin双琴侠 #twosetviolin
Aw, dang it. Not 24 hours after the great show from #TwoSetViolin, I read in their subreddit about staff exploitation concerns. If true, I gotta say that the timing of this airing of grievances was perfect because of the fact that they've been on tour for a while.
I haven't read all of the allegations, but I will say that it's likely that there is some grain of truth there if all their employees are as young as the main pair.
Wish I had more time to properly dig into this.
Taking a break from working on my research project to attend the nerdiest and priciest concert ever by #TwoSetViolin at UBC in Vancouver. It's just me at this one, and hubs is at our hotel 1 hour south of me. Plus ferry and food? Yeah, considering they're from Australia, of course I was gonna attend this one.
And I don't even normally enjoy classical music! Last classical concert I attended was actually an opera, in like 1995 or something.
「テレビに出ている音楽家どう思う?」という質問にマジレスすると。 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1709487/gravure-idols/
##おすすめ #anime #comedy #Ghibli #Howtoplay #japan #japanese #ORCHESTRA #Practice #stringquartet #suzukimethod #twoset #twosetviolin #UC15fzW4S18ADaN7-IYKdE1w #Violin #violinbeginner #あるある #ヴァイオリン #ヴァイオリン教室 #オーケストラ #かな先生 #クラシツク #ジブリ #バイオリン #バイオリンはじめちゃんねる #バイオリン教室 #まなみ先生 #ラフォリア #中奏 #初心者 #坂東真奈実 #桐朋 #桐朋学園 #爆笑 #葉加瀬太郎 #谷真奈実 #鈴木メソード #鈴木メソッド #関連 #高嶋ちさ子
#おすすめ #anime #comedy #ghibli #howtoplay #japan #japanese #orchestra #practice #stringquartet #suzukimethod #twoset #twosetviolin #uc15fzw4s18adan7 #violin #violinbeginner #あるある #ヴァイオリン #ヴァイオリン教室 #オーケストラ #かな先生 #クラシツク #ジブリ #バイオリン #バイオリンはじめちゃんねる #バイオリン教室 #まなみ先生 #ラフォリア #中奏 #初心者 #坂東真奈実 #桐朋 #桐朋学園 #爆笑 #葉加瀬太郎 #谷真奈実 #鈴木メソード #鈴木メソッド #関連 #高嶋ちさ子
At last came upon ...
BLACKPINK - ‘Shut Down’ M/V, 20220915,
... which sampled Niccolò P's "La Campanella"[0], commented upon by #TwoSetViolin[1].
0- Paganini: La Campanella (Vanessa Mae), 20110131
1- Paganini Reacts to Shut Down by Blackpink, 20221021,
In commemoration of the beginning of this year's Annual Hibernation and me starting on my first Paganini Caprice (No 5 but not the original bowing), here's a fun video! #twosetviolin
I'm for team #TwosetViolin. Some fans couldn't handle the humor and the truth 😁🎻
Ayer fue el concierto de #Mendelssohn con #twosetviolin. Estos dos jóvenes violinistas que devinieron en youtubers hacen para la difusión de la #músicaClásica lo que Neil De Grasse Tyson hace para la divulgación científica:
"Perhaps positive thoughts have a way of manifesting themselves around #TwoSet. They have inspired millions to love classical music, to love practising, and to love playing their instruments again"
#twoset #musicaclasica #twosetviolin #mendelssohn
I enjoyed this, particularly the Bach (an old favourite).
The culmination of #TwoSetViolin going from bit part actors to the romantic leads because of a silly YouTube channel.
Gets going about 37min in.
Anyone else tuning in for the TwoSet Violin Concert from Singapore this morning?
#twoset4m #singaooee #twosetviolin
An actual #introduction, I guess? 👋
I live in #NewEngland, I'm into #yoga, I like #housePlants, and sometimes I do a little #crossStitch. I watch way too much TV & YouTube, and play way too much #GuildWars2. I'm also a very rusty #piano and #flute player who doesn't practice enough. Currently a #programmer for work, though who knows how much longer that'll last. Pretty shy.
More stuff I like! #StarTrek #BattlestarGalactica #TheExpanse #Buffy #Archer #SciFi #fantasy #reading #TwoSetViolin #GW2
#gw2 #twosetviolin #Reading #Fantasy #SciFi #archer #buffy #TheExpanse #battlestargalactica #startrek #programmer #flute #piano #guildwars2 #crossstitch #houseplants #yoga #newengland #Introduction
I really like how accessible the guys from #TwoSetViolin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzKFALPuF_EPe-AEI0WFFw make classical music. I started watching them because they as classical musicians reacted to classical music performances on talent shows, then I started appreciating their memes and now I myself started looking up the performances of the musical geniuses they mention on their show because they also explain a lot about classical music in a fun and...