I guess it's time for an #Introduction again.
I like #gamemastering #Pathfinder1e #TTRPG.
I like #FountainPens and looped #cursive. I have a few "entry-level" fountain pens.
I like #MiniaturePainting.
I like #writing fiction sometimes.
I like corded telephones. I own a red Cortelco Kellogg 2500 Desk Telephone.
I recently switched to #Linux (#LinuxMint) from Windows10.
I like #vampires, #werewolves, #fae (#fey), #SpookyStuff, and #Halloween.
#introduction #gamemastering #pathfinder1e #ttrpg #fountainpens #cursive #miniaturepainting #writing #linux #linuxmint #vampires #werewolves #fae #fey #spookystuff #halloween #oxfordcomma #twospaces
#TwoSpaces i work with plain text a lot and after trying to switch to one space after a period to throw a bone to young people it's not worth it, they're lucky I don't make a ding sound and reach for a metal handle to add CR, and, I need a real gap between : and ;.
I learned to type on a manual typewriter, but had a Smith-Corona light-blue electric typewriter I wrote my first novella on back in the mid-70s. (Gee, I have to rewrite that story and publish it!) My agent instructed me how to format manuscripts.
Following end-of-sentence punctuation, I was told to type two blanks. Tap tap. You had a monospace font (Courier), so this differentiated between attribution of one blank to make it easier for the typesetter, I presume.
Attribution or statement below? Two blanks makes that obvious, one blank doesn't and you must rely on context.
"Halt. right there!" Agent Arrow held up a hand.
I am throwing in the towel. Done. Ring the bell. Stick a fork in it. Everyone hates me, so I'm going to fold. One blank always. I get it already! Web formatting HTML that always eats additional spaces wins the round.
Muscle memory of hitting the space bar twice is hard to retrain! I'm doing it. 100K words is good practice for that.
Am I the only one who's experienced this? Are there other hold-outs?
#writingcommunity #writing #writinglife #twospaces #webformat
#writingcommunity #writing #writinglife #twospaces #webformat