@andrejbauer (I am assuming classical logic, but nothing really changes if we switch to intuitionistic logic, just replace Boolean algebras with Heyting algebras.)
This is a bit like saying "I am assuming euclidean geometry but nothing really changes if we switch to spherical." Because there are more than 2 kinds of geometry, and intuitionistic logic is not the only other choice here. Is RH "neither true nor false" or perhaps RH is "both true and false"? You need a dialetheic logic, a #paraconsistent logic. And in that case, these are both valid truth values, and RH would be formally undecidable. But more than that, asking for it to have no truth value at all is different from just not being true and also not being false. It might be similar to Graham Priest's "ineffable" logical value. #logic #dialetheism #twothingscanbetrue
#twothingscanbetrue #dialetheism #logic #paraconsistent
If you want to have a block party, just read the replies
RT @karenhunter
I feel about the Black National Anthem being sung at the #SuperBowl the way I do about #Juneteenth being a federal holiday. That being said, @thesherylralph is going to sing her face off and I love it because I love her. #twothingscanbetrue!
#twothingscanbetrue #juneteenth #superbowl
Finished book #2 in ‘23. I’m not someone who retcons my Friends fandom…I watched the show; I liked the show; it still makes me laugh; I watched the reunion. Even as I see its problematic elements. #twothingscanbetrue I listened to this memoir, read by Perry, and it’s a harrowing addiction saga, interspersed w/name-droppy Hollywood stories. Perry is living proof that you can have it all and still be broken. (And he really seems to have it in for Keanu Reeves!) #amreading #bookstodon #mastobooks
#twothingscanbetrue #amreading #bookstodon #mastobooks