There's absolutely a #TwoTieredJusticeSystem in this country, and this is a perfect example of it in action. Any *normal* #defendant would be in a cell by now if they were doing this, yet #Trump still is enjoying his luxury resort and golfing daily when he's not bloviating. This guy should be in a cell.
#Trump #Defendant #twotieredjusticesystem
FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar FN Liar
America literally has two obvious systems of justice now: One for the protected deep state and one for the rest of us. #twotieredjusticesystem #disbandtheFBI
#DisbandTheFBI #twotieredjusticesystem