Allen Stenhaus · @allenstenhaus
452 followers · 5306 posts · Server

In honor of April Fools Day, I'm going to prank myself by playing Two Truths and a Lie.

1. I once illegally crossed the border from the US into Canada.
2. I was once held against my will at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
3. I've gone skinny-dipping in The Bahamas.

You're welcome to guess which of these is the lie.


Last updated 2 years ago

Amy M. Young · @amymyoung
77 followers · 218 posts · Server

Let's play
(posted on Twitter as well, curious to see any interaction differences)!

The three things:

1. I had a trust fund.
2. I’ve swum with dolphins before.
3. I've been unhoused/homeless.

Which is the lie?


Last updated 2 years ago

Gail Is No One · @grail143
499 followers · 510 posts · Server

You guys want to play a ?

Give me your

Here goes mine:

1. When I was 5, I stole a box of cereal and ate the whole thing while hiding in my . I think is the reason I have an aversion to that color.

2. I was attacked by my , , when I was a kid. She left on my upper and lower lip.

3. I was 4 times in local newspapers and won 2 , but grew up to be neither an artist nor a writer.

#game #twotruthsandalie #frankenberry #treehouse #pink #puke #goldenretriever #flower #scars #published #artcontests

Last updated 2 years ago

Anomnomnomaly 🇬🇧 · @anomnomnomaly
363 followers · 1689 posts · Server

Two truths and a lie

1: I was once in a band called Wonky Donkey
2: Our first album was going to be called ... and other unstable animals
3: Our 2nd al;bum was going to be called gusset.

and the lie is.

that there were 2 truths and a lie... they're all true.

#twotruthsandalie #therearenolies

Last updated 2 years ago

Grey :android: :fedora: :tor: · @allinone0
228 followers · 4545 posts · Server

Let's play two truths and a lie!

How to play the game is in the name!

So, which is a lie?

(easy mode)


Last updated 2 years ago