RT @txmusicoffice
Join the Texas Music Office (TMO), @HarlingenTex and Visit Harlingen, on Tuesday, May 9th from 12PM-1PM, for a hybrid #MusicFriendlyTexas Workshop, both in person at Harlingen's City Hall, and virtually.
#musicfriendlytexas #harlingentx #harlingentexas #txmusic #texasmusic
RT @txmusicoffice
Congratulations to the @CityOfFriscoTx on becoming the 42nd Music Friendly Texas Certified Community through our office!
#MusicFriendlyTexas #TXMusic #TexasMusic #TexasMusicOffice https://twitter.com/CityOfFriscoTx/status/1643429979143786496
#musicfriendlytexas #txmusic #texasmusic #texasmusicoffice
RT @txmusicoffice
Head out to Snook, TX on March 31-April 1st for @Chilifestinc Music Festival, for music, chili, and to help support charities throughout the Brazos.
More Info: https://chilifest.org/
#Chilifest2023 #SnookTX #CollegeStationTX #TexasAM #TXMusic #TexasMusic #Brazos
#chilifest2023 #snooktx #collegestationtx #texasam #txmusic #texasmusic #brazos
RT @txmusicoffice
The @Longhorn_Dallas is BACK! After careful restoration of this historic venue by the #KesslerPresents team, the #LonghornBallroom in #Dallas opens on March 30th with a lineup of amazing shows.
For more info: http://longhornballroom.com
#kesslerpresents #longhornballroom #dallas #dallasmusic #texasmusic #txmusic
RT @txmusicoffice
The City of #Corsicana, having completed the multi-step certification process, has been designated a Music Friendly Texas Certified Community by the Texas Music Office (TMO).
#CorsicanaTX #MusicFriendlyTexas #TexasMusicOffice #TXMusic #TexasMusic
#corsicana #corsicanatx #musicfriendlytexas #texasmusicoffice #txmusic #texasmusic
RT @txmusicoffice
Join in at the next @bmi @saxonpub Songwriters Series in #Austin on Monday, April 3rd, with Jackson Randolph Music, Keller Cox, Sarah Johnson, Roxi Copland, Patrick Buchta, and Keith Michael Kallina!
#BMITexas #TexasMusic #TXMusic #TheSaxonPub #ATXMusic #songwriter
#austin #bmitexas #texasmusic #txmusic #thesaxonpub #atxmusic #songwriter
RT @txmusicoffice
Join the TMO, @visitfriscotx and @CityOfFriscoTx Tues 4/4/23 at 6:30PM, as Frisco becomes the 42nd community to receive the Music Friendly Texas Designation!
#FriscoTX #FriscoTexas #TXMusic #TexasMusic #MusicFriendlyTexas #TexasMusicOffice
#friscotx #friscotexas #txmusic #texasmusic #musicfriendlytexas #texasmusicoffice
RT @txmusicoffice
The South by Southwest (@sxsw) Conference & Festivals begin tomorrow, 3/10 through 3/19 in Austin. The TMO looks forward to welcoming all members of the music and creative community to our state's capitol!
More info: http://sxsw.com
#sxsw #texasmusic #txmusic #atx
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
Head out to @saxonpub@twitter.com in #Austin on Thursday, Feb. 6th, for the @bmi@twitter.com February Saxon Songwriter Series!
Featuring Robin Mordecai, Kane Alvarado Band, Sheridan Reed, Ashley Monical, Cameron Winkle, and Johnny Chops.
#SaxonPub #BMITexas #TexasMusic #TXMusic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1620149181548564480
#austin #saxonpub #bmitexas #texasmusic #txmusic
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
"The first Coastal Bend Music Industry Symposium will be held February 16th in downtown #CorpusChristiTX with a variety of panels and music industry professionals sharing knowledge and resources to our local music community."
To register: https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/6819944/coastal-bend-music-industry-symposium-corpus-christi-house-of-rock?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1616118422118584325
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
TMO Director Brendon Anthony provides his annual Year In Review letter to the Texas music industry, including the Music Friendly Community programs and accomplishments, the biennial Economic Impact Study, and much more.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1613614444482789389
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
The @bmi@twitter.com Texas Ten Playlist for January 2023 has been released on Spotify.
Visit Here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6iVKxrv9pkBW8s3IcR2bq0?si=Xsqt-suiR4WVSW64iBYsHw&nd=1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1613258568454619136
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
The first @bmi@twitter.com Saxon Songwriter Series of 2023 returns on January 9th from 6-7:30pm at @saxonpub@twitter.com with Austin Mayse, Poet Hawkins, Naala, Claudia Gibson , Dennis Welch Music and Sonya Jevette. #BMITexas #TXMusic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1609971060589355010
RT @txmusicoffice@twitter.com
Join the TMO, @CityofMarshallT@twitter.com and @VisitMarshallTX@twitter.com for their Music Friendly Community Certification Celebration on Friday, January 13, 2023 at 7 PM at the Memorial City Hall Performance Center!
#MarshallTX #TXMusic #TexasMusic #MusicFriendlyCommunity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txmusicoffice/status/1603815626107232256
#marshalltx #txmusic #texasmusic #musicfriendlycommunity