@ArneBab @mhoye Im investigating the potential of Mega makefiles:
Here is an example of a WIP:
From a chain of referenced keyvalues and components it builds an awk script that then emits a #TXR parsing-expression-grammar.
In this example keyvalues in a fedidocs repo for instance documentation:
Im tempted to make makefiles a repository of truth rather than databases.
I find that its particularly satisfying using keyvalues across languages
40 days left to the submission deadline of #EuropeanLispSymposium (#ELSConf) in #Amsterdam:
🧷 (Friendica) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/!gqlYAZsfzSnmFNEHAT:magdeburg.jetzt/$z7kGECRQluF1iZzNhW-0I1e3lUmg-pff8PcAh96gox4
🦎 (Telegram) https://telegram.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Clojure #Racket #Emacs #ACL2 #AutoLisp # ISLisp #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #InterLisp #Medley #OpenGenera #Symbolics #ThinkingMachines #ConnectionMachine #MultiLisp #AMOP #CLOS #SICP #PAIP #AIMA #Lambda #CLtL2 #HTDP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #ELSCONF #amsterdam #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #clojure #racket #emacs #acl2 #autolisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #interlisp #medley #opengenera #symbolics #thinkingmachines #connectionmachine #multilisp #AMOP #clos #sicp #paip #AIMA #lambda #cltl2 #htdp
On #Friendica and #Telegram:
›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
🔗 Friendica: https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 Telegram: https://t.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #CommonLisp #Scheme #EmacsLisp #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #Jank #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #FunctionalProgramming #AMOP #SICP #CLOS #PAIP #CLtL2 #AIMA #Emacs #VIM #LispWorks #AllegroCommonLisp #ACL #CLISP #SBCL #MetaObject #MetaObjectSystem
#friendica #telegram #lisp #ELSCONF #amsterdam #commonlisp #scheme #emacslisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #jank #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #functionalprogramming #AMOP #sicp #clos #paip #cltl2 #AIMA #emacs #vim #lispworks #allegrocommonlisp #acl #clisp #sbcl #metaobject #metaobjectsystem
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
The #ELS invites high quality papers about novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
#Lisp #CommonLisp #Scheme #Emacs #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #Dylan #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #MOP #CLOS #CfP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #els #lisp #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #cfp
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
🔭 Scope 🔭
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application of any of the Lisp dialects, including #CommonLisp, #Scheme, #Emacs #Lisp, #Clojure, #Racket, #ACL2, #AutoLisp, #ISLISP, #Dylan, #SKILL, #Hy, #Shen, #Carp, #Janet, #uLisp, #Picolisp, #Gamelisp, #TXR, and so on.
We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate!
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #lisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #metaobjectsystem
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
April 24-25, 2023
Startup Village, #Amsterdam (NL)
➡️ https://www.european-lisp-symposium.org/2023
📅 Important Dates 📅
➡️ 2023-02-26 — Submission deadline
➡️ 2023-03-26 — Author notification
➡️ 2023-04-09 — Final Papers Due
➡️ 2023-04-24 — Day 1, Monday
➡️ 2023-04-25 — Day 2, Tuesday
#ELS #Lisp #CommonLisp #Scheme #Emacs #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #Dylan #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #MOP #CLOS #CfP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #amsterdam #els #lisp #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #cfp