Zoooo, wat veel goeie nieuwe platen deze week!
#Tzusing – 绿帽 Green Hat
#TylerTheCreator – CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST
#WacławZimpel – Train Spotter
#Spinvis – Be-Bop-A-Lula
μ-Ziq – 1977
#DavidEdren – Relativiteit Van De Omgeving
#YazLancaster – AmethYst
#OrbitalPatterns – Impostor Syndrome
#Wednesday – Rat Saw God
#Yaeji – With A Hammer
Check ze alle albums in mijn #Spotify 2023-lijstje: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/60SHVkQYZEh86OCkU9iAlb?si=1d763a7b75fc4ca3
#spotify #yaeji #wednesday #orbitalpatterns #yazlancaster #davidedren #spinvis #waclawzimpel #tylerthecreator #tzusing
Rise And Shine Music: Tyler The Creator – Sorry Not Sorry
Welcome to the Rise And Shine Music segment! Every morning, Geek Alabama will feature a different music video to start your day! Now, enjoy a music video to begin your day!
Enjoy "Sorry Not Sorry" by Tyler
#RiseAndShineMusicStuff #MorningMusic #Musicvideo #RiseAndShineMusic #SorryNotSorry #StartTheDayMusic #SunriseMusic #TylerTheCreator
#riseandshinemusicstuff #morningmusic #musicvideo #riseandshinemusic #sorrynotsorry #startthedaymusic #sunrisemusic #tylerthecreator
Il y a toujours des bagnoles dans les clips de rap. Mais il y a aussi de plus en plus de vélo. #tylerthecreator
#TheClash, Should I Stay Or Should I Go
#TylerTheCreator, EARFQUAKE
#HarryNilsson, I'll Be Home
#TheWho, God Speaks, of Marty Robbins
#MitchEaster, Time Warping
#AlbertHammondJr., The Boss Americana
#ReddKross, Notes and Chords Mean Nothing To Me
#TheWonderYears, Cigarettes & Saints
#GameTheory, Untitled Piano Piece
#gametheory #TheWonderYears #reddkross #alberthammondjr #mitcheaster #thewho #harrynilsson #tylerthecreator #theclash #TheMorningLine
#throwbackthursday #cringe 10 years ago, a couple of my friends and I went to a #tylerthecreator concert. “Kind of a young crowd..” I thought. Eventually, we got thirsty and headed for the beer garden, and were relieved to see a bunch people our age enjoying themselves.
While standing in line, one of them turned to me and said, “your kids talked you into this too?”
I wanted to crawl in a hole.
That was the first time I’ve ever been made to feel too old for something. I hate that feeling.
#throwbackthursday #cringe #tylerthecreator
I joined yesterday😶 #introduction
#Leftist #pansexual #Zoomer w a #cat son
#MutualAid. #Buddhism #ThichNhatHanh #RamDass #ByronKatie #PemaChodron. #Enneagram (1w9).
#MeansTV #MeansMorningNews #MNN
#music #ChildishGambino #TylertheCreator #FrankOcean #KidCudi #SamSmith #BloodOrange #PhoebeBridgers
#TheGoodPlace #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #NewGirl #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #SaturdayNightLive #SNL
#Sherlock #Johnlock #Ozark
#socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
#introduction #leftist #pansexual #zoomer #cat #mutualaid #buddhism #thichnhathanh #ramdass #byronkatie #pemachodron #enneagram #meanstv #meansmorningnews #mnn #music #childishgambino #tylerthecreator #frankocean #kidcudi #samsmith #bloodorange #phoebebridgers #studioghibli #thegoodplace #parksandrecreation #parksandrec #newgirl #whatwedointheshadows #saturdaynightlive #snl #sherlock #johnlock #ozark #socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
One of my favorite photos. #TylerTheCreator in #portland for the Igor tour. #music
#tylerthecreator #portland #music
You can dislike #TylerTheCreator, but you'd be wrong.
#tylerthecreator #music #whodatboy
hi ❤️
big fan of #tylerthecreator, #SOPHIEmsmsmsm (just making up a tag here because i can't find any on my instance), #hasanabi and #luckyme (the label and everyone involved). if you like some of those then i heartily welcome any music recommendations!
i play #valorant and wish they would port it to #mac already :) also #leftist and #vegan.
huge proponent of all things #opensource and whatever tech isn't driven by greed for profit. #proton subscriber since 2017, vouch
#introduction #tylerthecreator #sophiemsmsmsm #hasanabi #luckyme #valorant #mac #leftist #vegan #opensource #proton
Hey mfs who used Twitter. Here's random stuff I enjoy
#nirvana #deathgrips #machinegirl #mcr #greenday #horror #silverchair #femboys #Marsargo #Halloween #creepygames #cscoop #traves #punk #PunkRock #nin #nineinchnails #tylerthecreator
#nirvana #deathgrips #machinegirl #mcr #greenday #horror #Silverchair #femboys #marsargo #Halloween #creepygames #cscoop #traves #punk #PunkRock #nin #nineinchnails #tylerthecreator