"Radical solutions need to be taken,” he [Mayor Benitez] told them, noting that the rainfall volume in Bacolod in the last three days was 38 millimeters (about 1.5 inches).Obstructions along rivers and creeks, the accumulation of sediments in waterways originating from upland areas and the lack of interconnection of inland drainage systems were cited as among the causes of the recent flooding. #TyphoonGoring #Philippines
#Bacolod under calamity state due to #floods
#floods #bacolod #philippines #typhoongoring
"The southwest monsoon is being enhanced by Super #TyphoonGoring (#Saola), which earlier left the Philippine Area of Responsibility; Severe #TropicalStormHanna (#Haikui), which is inside PAR; and Severe #TropicalStormKirogi, which is outside PAR." #Philippines #BadWeather #HeavyRains
#MetroManila among areas worst affected by enhanced #SouthwestMonsoon
#heavyrains #badweather #southwestmonsoon #metromanila #philippines #tropicalstormkirogi #haikui #tropicalstormhanna #saola #typhoongoring
Classes at all levels in #MetroManila are suspended by #Malacanang.
"#MANILA, #Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Friday, September 1, in the wake of Super #TyphoonGoring (Saola) and due to ongoing rain from the enhanced southwest monsoon or #habagat."
#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Friday, September 1, 2023
#walangpasok #habagat #typhoongoring #philippines #manila #malacanang #metromanila
"Here is a list of areas where classes are suspended for Thursday, August 31, 2023, due to Super #TyphoonGoring (Saola) and the enhanced southwest monsoon" #Philippines #BadWeather
#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Thursday, August 31, 2023
#walangpasok #badweather #philippines #typhoongoring