Gizmodo: Los Angeles Has a Growing Typhus Problem, Thanks to the Fleas #entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #rickettsiatyphi #orientalratflea #rickettsiaceae #epidemictyphus #rickettsioses #rickettsia #pulicidae #zoonoses #catflea #ratflea #typhus #flea
#entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #rickettsiatyphi #orientalratflea #rickettsiaceae #epidemictyphus #rickettsioses #rickettsia #pulicidae #zoonoses #catflea #ratflea #typhus #flea
#Serbia faced a #typhus #epidemic in #WWI. A smaller outbreak in the south, on the #Albanian border was made much worse by the Austro-Hungarian occupation and #POWs who were contaminated with typhus-bearing #lice, endemic to Austro-Hungarian #Poland.
#Serbia #typhus #epidemic #wwi #albanian #pows #lice #poland #history #histodon
in Auschwitz ums Leben.
Margot und Anne starben im Februar 1945 in Bergen-Belsen an Typhus.
Nur Otto überlebte.
#Auschwitz #Leben #MargotFrank #AnneFrank #Februar 1945 #BergenBelsen #Typhus #OttoFrank
#ottofrank #typhus #BergenBelsen #februar #annefrank #margotfrank #leben #auschwitz #world #mastodon #AuschwitzMuseum
An Illustrated History Of The World’s Deadliest Epidemics, From Ancient Rome To Covid-19 [Mapped]
-- <-- link to storymap
#GIS #spatial #mapping #pandemic #global #epidemic #covid19 #climatechange #death #disease #pestilence #travel #covid #globaltrade #publichealth #spatialanalysis #history #analytics #environmental #flu #influenza #cholera #typhus #HIV #AIDS #smallpox #BlackDeath #bubonicplague #JohnSnow #gischat #storymaps
#gis #spatial #mapping #Pandemic #global #epidemic #COVID19 #climatechange #death #disease #pestilence #Travel #COVID #globaltrade #publichealth #spatialanalysis #history #analytics #environmental #flu #influenza #cholera #typhus #hiv #aids #smallpox #BlackDeath #bubonicplague #johnsnow #gischat #storymaps
@BylinesScotland I know you mentioned this was something you ran from FB and Twitter, but please don't forget Dr Elizabeth Ross from Tain, Ross-Shire.
She graduated in medicine, from Glasgow uni in 1901.
After working as a local GP, she left for Iran in 1907.
She died in 1917 in Serbia, of typhus, where she was working as a doctor.
For more information, please see:
#typhus #iran #serbia #drelizabethross #rossshire #tain
Michael Yon is predicting Typhus will make a comeback in 2023, especially in the Netherlands.
#politics #epidemic #pandemic #typhus #2023 #Netherlands #NoAgendaBannedCamp
#politics #epidemic #pandemic #typhus #netherlands #NoAgendaBannedCamp
Wer sich für #Medizingeschichte interessiert, sollte @xschwester auf dem Schirm haben, die zuletzt eine packende Geschichte über Molly Mallon, besser bekannt als #Typhus Mary, in einen Toot-Thread gepackt hat. Unbedingter Lesetipp! 🤩
Immer mehr multiresistente #Bakterien kosten immer mehr Menschen das Leben. Dazu gehört auch das gefährliche #Typhus, das sich dadurch auch in den Wohlstandsgesellschaften weiter ausbreitet. Wie gewohnt wird die Gefahr dem #Profit zuliebe ignoriert und #Politik beschließt Reserve #Antibiotika fürs Nutzvieh in der Massentierhaltung zuzulassen. Bakterien können stetig resistenter werden. Nichts gelernt oder ist der Mensch nicht nützlich genug?
#antibiotika #politik #profit #typhus #bakterien
"September 2, 2021
Rudolf Weigl's 138th Birthday
Today’s Doodle celebrates the 138th birthday of Polish inventor, doctor, and immunologist Rudolf Weigl. He produced the first effective vaccine against epidemic typhus—one of humanity’s oldest and most infectious diseases."
#GoogleDoodles #History #Scientists #Medicine #Vaccines #Typhus
#vaccines #typhus #googledoodles #history #scientists #medicine
[#BotActu] « Secrets d’ossements, les énigmes résolues par la science » #AmérindiennedeRosemont #mortdeToutânkhamon #campagnedeRussie #soldatdeNapoléon #retraitedeRussie #enfant-pharaon #anthropologie #pulpedentaire #Toutankhamon #siègedeWaco #resteosseux #carbone14 #Bonaparte #squelette #médecine #ossement #Incendie #Napoléon #Pharaon #typhus #pou #os
#BotActu #AmérindiennedeRosemont #mortdeToutânkhamon #campagnedeRussie #soldatdeNapoléon #retraitedeRussie #enfant #anthropologie #pulpedentaire #toutankhamon #siègedeWaco #resteosseux #carbone14 #bonaparte #squelette #médecine #ossement #incendie #napoléon #pharaon #typhus #pou #os