I'm going to say a pretty banal thing, but in my opinion, neither #static nor #dynamic #typing is a magical secret sauce that'll make your application scalable.
Static typing gives a lot of nice benefits (documentation, autocomplete, better verification) but static type systems can become verbose, unwieldy and hard to understand. Dynamic typing lets you move faster but needs supplements with good testing.
IMO type inference and optional typing are both good approaches.
It sounds like a neighbour is typing on a #typewriter.
I do hope they're not typing "All work an no play ..."
#london #theshining #typing #typewriter
What's your tech: Professional Mechanical Keyboard for the Strong Silent Typist https://whatsyourtech.ca/2023/09/06/professional-mechanical-keyboard-for-the-strong-silent-typist/ #gaming #tech #mechanicalkeyboard #CanadianBusiness #technology #typewriter #Trending #Featured #keyboard #Gadgets #gadgets #typing #typist #apps
#Gaming #Tech #mechanicalkeyboard #CanadianBusiness #technology #typewriter #trending #Featured #keyboard #gadgets #typing #typist #apps
And last, but not least, something fun. I'm gonna try this out! I like clacky sounds even though I rarely use my mechanical keyboard because I like to move around with my laptop instead of sit at my desktop.
BoingBoing: Klack: a Mac app that emits a "satisfying sound" whenever you press a key
#macos #app #keyboard #typing #sound
#typing question that I just thought of: Which thumb do you primarily or completely use to press the spacebar?
New Design: Writing It Down! Products and More by Douglas E. Welch Design and Photography
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Includes iPhone cases, throw blankets, duvet covers, pillows, hoodies, tees, and much more!
#forsale #typewriter #typing #writer #writing #closeup #antique #keyboard #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks
#forsale #typewriter #typing #writer #writing #closeup #antique #keyboard #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks
Automating your typing with "compress": https://github.com/eschluntz/compress #linux #update #release #automation #typing #compress
#linux #update #release #automation #typing #compress
Y'all I swear, when I finally learn to code for real, after I finally stop telling myself I'm not programmer material because it doesn't come naturally to me, I am **going** to make an actually good typing tutor app. Not this pathetic Typing Club. Instead of reading the lesson text "sit up straight, pretend you're at a fansy restaurant" and all that, it speaks "type the key: space." Because blind people just need to be guided through ... the obsticle of onscreen text instead of having it read out to them. Like it just really makes me mad every time a new student starts the thing. And honestly it's a great web app otherwise. We can track what students have done through a nice web interface, and the person that does the accessibility stuff is nice enough, but it's another one of those things where the accessibility folks have like, no power at all. And Typing Club doesn't even teach where the Alt, Control, Tab, Insert, function keys, all that are. Cause it's a general typing course with <sarcasm>a11y</sarcasm> bolted on after everything else. But hey school systems use it so it must be great right? *sigh* I guess I'm kinda grumpy today. And I know web apps can capture system keys. If Google Remote desktop can do it, and RIM can do it, then I know web technologies can handle it. Maybe it'd have to be an elektron client, but goodness it could definitely work.
So I found this yesterday and I'm thinking of ordering a set (in pink ofc! 🩷) Still not sure as I rarely ever use my mechanical keyboard (It's still in Paris and I haven't been there in months now). But maybe. I'm keeping the link just in case:
It's keycaps in ceramic! Check out the video on their page for how it sounds. It looks really wonderful.
Cerakey: https://www.cerakey.com
#keyboard #keycaps #typing #custom
Session done. I wonder how long will take me to get better at this.
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
Python3.12からPEP692が導入され`**kwargs: **TypedDict`でキーワードごとの詳細な型付けやDRY化ができるようになる
#qiita #Python #pep #typing #ロバストPython
#qiita #python #pep #typing #ロバストpython
Daily session done. Had no time, but i found time window today.
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
Daily session done.
Why this weather come back?
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
Daily session done, i deleted code ruby for reasons ... kinda frustrating to type these combos...
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
Daily session done. Yay, i hit 73 which is probably my highest ever score ...
Wish to have 70 WPM as regular ...
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
I blame the weather.
Daily session done.
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing
Slowly i come back to life.
Since Baldurs Gate 3 release i had no life!
Still i will play bg3 but after finishing first playthrough i can't spend most time on game.
Program on screenshot - visidata
#learning #touchtyping #typing