TYPO3 12.4.6 and 11.5.31 maintenance releases published https://typo3.org/article/typo3-1246-and-11531-maintenance-releases-published
#TYPO3 12.4.6 and 11.5.31 maintenance releases published. Both TYPO3 maintenance versions add support for #PHP 8.3.
Boy, that's fast! 🚀
Morgen(!!) endet der Tickerverkauf für das TYPO3 Online Bootcamp!
Du willst einen Crashkurs zum Thema TYPO3-Integration?
Dann schau dir das unbedingt an!
Du willst TYPO3 in all seinen Facetten kennenlernen? Mein Videotraining deckt verschiedene Aspekte ab, die du wissen musst.
Tauch ein: https://wwagner.net/typo3-12-videotraining-und-typo3-12-masterclass
Die ultimative TYPO3camp Checkliste (für Einsteiger).
21 Tipps, die Dein TYPO3camp-Erlebnis unvergesslich machen!
#typo3 #community
Neues Video!
ENDLICH DA! Meine neue #TYPO3 COMMUNITY PLATTFORM wartet auf dich!
Thank you @wowa_TYPO3 for your bug report!
https://github.com/josefglatz/beuser_fastswitch is now compatible with #TYPO3 12 LTS backend in light and dark mode.
For those who don't know before: TYPO3 has a partial support for light/dark mode of your OS in the backend.
Wow, was für ein durchdachter und qualifizierter Kommentar zu meinem „TYPO3 vs. WordPress“ Video 😊👍
Today I improved the #documentation of the experimental EXT:l10ntable_extended and released a new #feature that allows non-admin backend users to specify the list of fields to edit themselves via #user #settings (via multi-select field).
#documentation #feature #user #settings #typo3
Germany allocates €108 million for developing and migrating to open source CMS
„The German government's choice of #TYPO3 is grounded in its prevalent use within the federal administration, fast maintenance, its vibrant community, and its enduring support.“
Started the day with a tiny #contribution to EXT:styleguide to fix an issue which was inherited to the #TYPO3 TCA documentation.
Always remember: also these tiny contributions help to make TYPO3 and it's eco system better for everyone!
Today I will draft out a concept for a login process with third party authentication for a multi site #typo3 setup. It will work with a middleware to centrally controll the access to pages all over all sites. Some gimmicks and exceptions are to be expected. That will be fun, and I already pity the poor soul that has to implement my suggestion later on :D
Wow, I'm impressed. Just a few hours ago we discovered a bug in the @wowa_TYPO3 twitch stream. Already the solution was merged by @eliashaeussler and Benni Mack. You guys are great! 👍🚀
#TYPO3 #t3kudos
The journey to getting the #TYPO3 backend jQuery-free continues
today's target: the backend layout editor view/component
this took way less work than I initially anticipated, but still had some tricky problems to solve.
It's not a big deal but today I released an experimental mini #extension that simplifies #batch #editing of page #translation fields (via #Info #module > #Localization #overview) Just try it out. Feedback is very welcome! #TYPO3 #l10n #l10ntable
#extension #batch #editing #translation #info #module #localization #overview #typo3 #l10n #l10ntable
Und.... jetzt LIVE auf Twitch!
Schaut vorbei: https://twitch.tv/wowa_typo3
#typo3 #twitch
Using #TYPO3 workspaces in projects can imply an additional effort in the implementation process of project related extensions.
How much percent of your TYPO3 projects has TYPO3 workspaces enabled?
Hey, du bist neugierig auf die neuesten #TYPO3 Trends? 🌟 Schalte ein, jeden Donnerstag um 19:30 Uhr auf Twitch. Wir erkunden, testen und lernen zusammen! 🛠️
👉 https://www.twitch.tv/wowa_typo3
#TYPO3Donnerstag #twitch
#typo3 #typo3donnerstag #Twitch