In the rear view mirror
Episode 2 – 2004
Provoke to poetry
An interactive installation about experimental literatur.
This was my thesis at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. The user selects words taken from an existing poem to construct new versions. While playing with language and sound, the possibilities and the magic of words are revealed. #mediaart #interactive #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #oulipo #experimental #bauhaus #weimar
#mediaart #interactive #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #oulipo #experimental #bauhaus #weimar
In the rear view mirror.
Episode 1 – 1999
Interactive installation ›Vowels‹
The sonett ›Vowels‹ by the French poet, Arthur Rimbaud, explores the fundamental elements of language. The installation was presented during the first ›body as interface‹ exhibition in 1999. #bodyasinterface #mediaart #rimbaud #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #vowels #jillscott #bauhaus #weimar
Video excerpt on my website:
#bodyasinterface #mediaart #rimbaud #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #vowels #jillscott #bauhaus #weimar