The interrobang was conceptualized by an advertising exec, Martin Spektor, in 1962. He disliked the growing trend of combining exclamation marks and question marks for emphasis in advertising. He came up with idea of combining the two marks to create the new glyph, “‽”, to improve the visual appeal of ad copy.
Sources - Wikipedia and #interrobang #typograhy #‽
Working with young kids this year really got me in to using colouring pencils. So I use em for a lot of my sketches now.
#sketchbook #sketching #mastoart #traditionalart #zombie #typograhy #sfx
#sketchbook #sketching #mastoart #traditionalart #zombie #typograhy #sfx
Buenas, soy Andreu, diseñador gráfico y buena gente. #design #typograhy #antifa #cinema
#design #typograhy #antifa #cinema
I don't want my timeline here to devolve into negativity and fear, and because I believe in improving the world by making things, here's my favourite French #graphicdesign company doing their thing #typograhy #print #beautiful
#beautiful #print #typograhy #graphicdesign
Erased-otf - Erik-Hamburger
A font that erases a word for every journalist imprisoned.
Hier ist die Sputnik-Postkarte, die ich 2017 zum 60-Jährigen-Jubiläum der Raumfahrt für das @planetariumhamburg gestaltet habe.
#mastoart #design #graphicdesign #illustration #typografie #typograhy #kosmos #cosmos #weltraum #space #planet #planetariumhamburg #poster #postkarte #postcard #raumfahrt #retro #satellit #sputnik #weltall #weltraum #wolke
#wolke #weltall #sputnik #satellit #retro #raumfahrt #postcard #postkarte #poster #planetariumhamburg #planet #space #weltraum #cosmos #kosmos #typograhy #typografie #illustration #graphicdesign #design #MastoArt