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I published a new blog post about rewriting my resume in #Typst.
don't you ever feel some 'need' to use some cool thing? like, you don't even have an actual need, but you want to use something cool
there's been some time since i discovered https://typst.app/ and ever since i did, i've wanted to actually use it for something.
i've thought about school notes, but nah, i kinda prefer handwritten notes, and i'd lose sooo much time trying to customize it
maybe i could use it for writing essays? that seems more reasonable, maybe uploading all of it to a git repo? idk maybe i'll just forget
Five months in, the Typst repository has now surpassed 20,000 stars on Github.
Have you tried using it yet?
I'm not entirely sure what it says about me or #css or #typst that I had a significantly easier time re-implementing a specific slide theme in Typst, a language I literally started learning last weekend, than I am currently having trying to figure out how to even begin implementing it in #quartoPub/#revealjs, which appears to constantly fight my CSS from half a dozen files setting rules I can't seem to override properly.
I just want to move the logo man.
Wie soll ich Leute ernst nehmen, die es "lateks" aussprechen?
und Leute, die sich #Typst ausgedacht haben, sollten überhaupt ganz ruhig sein, LaTeX "übermäßige Komplexität" vorzuwerfen…
#typst の定理環境lemmifyがある。
Blog post + demo video that shows how to generate a PDF table from a #SQLite database.
#pandoc #typst #v_language
#sqlite #pandoc #typst #v_language
Apparently, #typst introduced a package manager. The following thoughts come to mind:
1. Since #import statements do not seem to allow renaming, the package name must be unique. Thus, one cannot import a package in two different versions.
2. "We do not allow removal or change of packages after submission (an exception would require a really good reason)". I really hope the software never assumes that. This will happen eventually with copyright content (e.g.).
#typst is so much fun! I can realize really good and complex layouts with very little code, and with some mild effort it becomes easily reusable. Never ever could have I made something like this in #LaTeX! https://gist.github.com/beeb/75259a150e8dadf1a973eaf4151c70aa