@czach Gdyby korporacje były uczciwe* to nie miałabym nic przeciwko temu, ale kradzieży prywatności i nieuczciwego wykańczania konkurencji nigdy nie poprę. Oczywiście każdy dokonuje swojego własnego wyboru.
* to by nie były korporacjami
@sugar_in_your_tea About "good time to jump in": the small size of the lemmy dev community gives you a chance to shift off Microsoft to a community git forge e.g. #Codeberg [1] that aims at forge federation [2] *before* there's too much #TyrannyOfConvenience inertia. Mastodon devs are reluctant to even *discuss* giving up Microsoft [3].
@ulu_mulu @lemmy #GiveUpGitHub #forgefed #forgejo https://giveupgithub.org
[1] https://codeberg.org
[2] https://forgefed.org
[3] https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/22572
#forgejo #forgefed #GiveUpGitHub #tyrannyofconvenience #codeberg
What non-free software is Fosstodon forcing people to execute?
The 'view source code' on fosstodon.org points to Microsoft, and todon.nl's 'view source code' points to Microsoft too - this is a known #TyrannyOfConvenience bug [1]; framapiaf.org does *not* point to MS.
@bonifartius That’s indeed the most sustainable option but quickly ignored in the land of #tyrannyOfConvenience (#TimWu). As you might have noticed from the two polls the drying rack is the winner in ~70% of the world outside the US but it’s a hard sell in the US. Hence the dehumidified closet approach. Heat pumps are an unexplained failure in the US but perhaps dehumidifiers are the answer.
Sure: it's the #TyrannyOfConvenience . What's important is to encourage the development of the ethically strongest ecosystems, and not to hide discussion. Weak links in the communication chain are important.
What I find difficult to understand is reluctance to even acknowledge a shift to ethical ecosystems as a desirable goal. The Mastodon issue is still open [3], but the JOSS issue is already closed (though unlocked) [4] - by a GH/Microsoft employee!
@freemo Not sure what ghr is, but indeed I was surprised as well. I was expecting some votes to just ban the most wasteful variety in order to at least steer the industry toward a more socially responsible path. It’s a small sample but Tim Wu’s #tyrannyOfConvenience essay seems to be playing out here.
Voilà des belles métaphores que je pourrais bien utiliser contre la #TyrannyOfConvenience :
« Utiliser un smartphone ou une tablette éduque autant à l’informatique que le fait de prendre un taxi éduque à la mécanique et la thermodynamique. Une personne peut faire des milliers de kilomètres en taxi sans jamais avoir la moindre notion de ce qu’est un moteur. Voyager avec Ryanair ne fera jamais de vous un pilote ni un expert en aérodynamique. »
@EU_Commission It’s too narrow to focus on #cycling infrastructure. Car owners are addicts. No amount of cycling perks, ease & benefits will get them out of cars. You need to take away what car owners are attacted to: convenience (#tyrannyOfConvenience, in fact). Convert public car parking into something else. All parking should be in private spaces only. And stop giving tax write offs for cars.
#cycling #tyrannyofconvenience
That is a problem that we have been having since Linux was invented on various fronts.
If we replaced journals as we propose, such authoring platforms would surely be part of the infrastructure (as we have been demanding for more than a decade now).
Until then, I am hesitant to waste my tax-payer funded time (and private nerves) on inadequate solutions.
It is a #TyrannyOfConvenience , I agree, but there is more to it, unfortunately.
Sorry, but talking about reform while providing ourselves as zero-cost raw materials to #GAFAM to sell to advertisers doesn't make sense in this context, so your phrase "you can edit the doculent, if you want" is misleading.
You're using free-software resources, so please respect that and look through:
so that you can find e.g. a cryptpad that does *not* require people to violate their privacy.
No need to fall into the #TyrannyOfConvenience !
@ostrich @aral #FuckCars. Even a privacy-respecting car is still inherently environment-disrespecting anyway. So yes, I am unwilling to live in areas where I can’t cycle or use public transport. I do vote w/my wallet & live with the limitations of being ethical. If ethical living were easy, the flood of unethical choices wouldn’t have such a strong presence. #tyrannyOfConvenience
#fuckcars #tyrannyofconvenience
@bojkotiMalbona It would be interesting if you re-ran your 2020 survey, now, over two years later, with the Fediverse being bigger. My prediction is that the fraction of #TyrannyOfConvenience people would be higher, but the survey itself might help spark off awareness and evidence-based debate in the thread. Better be honest about what MS/Putin ("might is right") are doing than pretend that they don't exist.
If you go the less convenient route, be sure to read Tim Wu’s #tyrannyOfConvenience for inspiration:
#pixelfed: This seems to be done with --strip-all in
pixelfed/config/image-optimizer.php by default:
though obviously the sysadmin of an instance can comment that out. Related requests:
Unfortunately still on #GAFAM while (presumably) waiting for #Forgefed to be considered sufficiently functional to shift off the #TyrannyOfConvenience of Microsoft #GAFAM.
#pixelfed #gafam #forgefed #tyrannyofconvenience
Instead of that person suggesting that people here in the #Fediverse violate their privacy and computer security by accessing #GAFAM, s/he might want to consider non-GAFAM software and servers, e.g. https://cryptpad.org .
for how to avoid GAFAM/birdsite.
If the existing list is licence-compatible, then someone could start off the free-world version on a cryptpad instead of GAFAM.
#tyrannyofconvenience #gafam #fediverse
@Awkwiredtaste @jerkey @boud If you were to change your handle to #tyrannyofconvenience readers would think the opposite. They would think you’re aware of the problem and that surely you are trying to bring awareness. They would not know that you prioritize convenience above principles. Suggested read: http://web.archive.org/web/20221219080949/www.nytimes.com/2018/02/16/opinion/sunday/tyranny-convenience.html
Seems like a severe case of #TyrannyOfConvenience -itis. "It failed! It doesn't work! Fix it instantly! Or else!"
There have been other cases of recent arrivals who didn't think of looking at the /about page or didn't realise that the admin or contact might be via an email address rather than a Fediverse address. But were happy to learn. :)
A minimum of verbal/logical/text-management/web-navigation - and egalitarian human relations - skills are needed.
Here we're on the Fediverse, what you call a "niche alternative". We're aiming at developing a community, not at selling people as raw material to advertisers.
Accepting the #TyrannyOfConvenience with a toxic organisation like Microsoft weakens our ecosystem.
Ethics in this context is not about jumping hurdles, it's about escaping from a gilded prison.
If you have software skills, consider contributing to #ForgeFed
- it's *not* a gh clone.
#tyrannyofconvenience #forgefed
#FediverseGrowth is going to keep accelerating:
Interesting: the journalist joined a commercially supported instance: https://mastodonapp.uk/about/more - two small(?) tech firms get indirect publicity as they host/fund the instance.
If ~90% of current birdsite users stick to the #TyrannyOfConvenience, then the flood could grow to 10% or so of (former) birdsite user base => ~20-30 million.
Exponential growth followed by saturation at 20-30 million in a few weeks or months?
#FediverseGrowth #tyrannyofconvenience
Creating a #GAFAM list defeats the point of shifting to Mastodon - part of the free world [1]. There's no need to invoke the #TyrannyOfConvenience :).
Have a look at
and you'll find how to avoid the #GAFAM walled gardens - e.g. use https://cryptpad.org instead of G docs.
The source of the switching.software webpage is openly decided by the community at https://codeberg.org/swiso/website - no secret Board Room decisions.