A majority of the Supreme Court was appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote. #TyrannyOfTheMinority
Justice Roberts- G.W. Bush
Justice Alito - G.W. Bush
Justice Gorsuch - Trump
Justice Kavanaugh - Trump
Justice Coney Barrett - Trump
#tyrannyoftheminority #abolishtheelectoralcollege
A majority of our corrupt Supreme Court were given lifetime appointments by Presidents who lost the popular vote, were confirmed by an intentionally unrepresentative Senate, and operate without a code of ethics. #TyrannyOfTheMinority #SupremeCourt #politics #USpol #USpolitics
#tyrannyoftheminority #supremecourt #politics #uspol #uspolitics
It is time to STOP the #TyrannyOfTheMinority
Just as #MAGAts & GOP are a small minority of US
These book banners (who may not even be parents) are a tiny minority of RWNJs &/or religious zealots determined to impose their hate into secular education & laws
#endallbookbansnow #magats #tyrannyoftheminority
The removal of representatives of Nashville and Memphis from the TN legislature is such a chilling reminder of how the GOP wants to enslave cities in this country.
They want the tax dollars we provide. They want to make laws dictating even the most private areas of our lives. And they want to do it all while stripping us of our democratic representation.
They act as though we have all the power while they do everything they can to silence us entirely
#tennesseethree #tyrannyoftheminority
the criminal trump is a mass murderer
there are a lot more of us than the motherfuckers
we allow them to dominate
the mainstream media amplifies their filth and hatred for ratings
but there are more of us
don't allow the
fascist kevin mccarthy wasn't fascist enough for a handful of maga fascist representatives so rather than standing between them and the overwhelming majority of americans he chose the maga fascists and his own self interests. girls and boys your new speaker of the house #tyrannyoftheminority
RT @MaryLTrump@twitter.com
Republicans learning what it feels like to be on the wrong side of a filibuster. #TyrannyOfTheMinority
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryLTrump/status/1610716261977145365
RT @MaryLTrump@twitter.com
Republicans learning what it feels like to be on the wrong side of a filibuster. #TyrannyOfTheMinority
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryLTrump/status/1610716261977145365
Meanwhile, in the Soviet Republic of Florida...
#FPL #DeSantis #corruption #florida #politics #electricity #scandal #lobbyists #sovietred #tyrannyoftheminority #minorityrule #deathsantis #rondesantis #RepublicansAreDomesticTerrorists #RepublicanFraud #RepublicanCrime #RepublicansDidThis #republicans
#fpl #desantis #Corruption #florida #politics #electricity #scandal #lobbyists #sovietred #tyrannyoftheminority #minorityrule #deathsantis #rondesantis #republicansaredomesticterrorists #republicanfraud #republicancrime #republicansdidthis #republicans