#tzedakah question: looking for the source that says that even a person with only one coin should seek out another just as poor and exchange coins so that they can engage in the act of giving tzedakah
Jewish Relief Network Ukraine
They provide critical humanitarian aid across all of Ukraine, and also partner with other nonprofits to expand their impact.
#jrnu #charity #ukraine #tzedakah #mazeldon #jewdiverse
ARK Meetup: Meet at SXSW to explore analog ways of centering your day by transforming it with Acts of Random Kindness.
#TechTribe #SXSW #SXSW2023 #JewsInTech #tzedakah #kindness
#techtribe #sxsw #sxsw2023 #jewsintech #tzedakah #kindness
Looking for a good cause to wrap up 2022 on a good note with a charitable donation? #tzedakah #socialjustice #mentalhealth #dogood
RT @MsKellyMHayes@twitter.com
I'm exiting 2022 by fundraising w @prisonculture@twitter.com in support of REBUILD, which connects formerly incarcerated folks w therapists of color. From experience, chasing down mental healthcare for someone scarred by the prison system is a nightmare. Let's help. https://www.mightycause.com/story/Rebuildhmfat
#tzedakah #socialjustice #mentalhealth #dogood
#SecretSanta #helpOthers #helpingOthers #helpAsYouCan #HolidayHelpers #GoodGuys #Community #DoTheRightThing
#mitzvah #tzedakah #mensch
https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/12/24/poor-kids-christmas-gifts-secret-santa/ @washingtonpost
Used up all my gift articles but you can work with cookies to read this anyway.
#secretsanta #helpothers #helpingothers #helpasyoucan #holidayhelpers #goodguys #community #dotherightthing #mitzvah #tzedakah #mensch
What constitutes poverty? Is there such a thing as "the" poverty line? And is it always based on the amount a person owns, or do social conditions tell us what a person or household really needs? https://dfischman.blogspot.com/2022/12/there-shall-be-no-needy-part-3-taking.html #Jewish #book #tzedakah #poverty #SocialJustice
#jewish #book #tzedakah #poverty #socialjustice
@judaism @mazeldon
A classic - Jewish laws on our obligation to help the poor and needy from the Mishneh Torah of #Maimonides. Studied in every Hebrew School and yeshivah.
- Sefer Zeraim, Matnot Aniyim
#maimonides #tzedakah #charity #community
Wishing EVERYONE a meaningful Tzedakah Third Day!
What are your favorite organizations to support?
#medinatamerica #tzedakah #charity #giving #thirdday