Tzimisce would also be capable of providing medical and dental care, as long as they possess enough knowledge.
Using Vicissitude, they could, afaik, get rid of tumors, fix damaged teeth, reconstruct bone, and perform gender-affirming flesh- and bone-crafting (though, they might refer someone to a Mercurial blood alchemist instead, if one is available, since their formula is under the total control of the person using it for themself).
#vampirethemasquerade #vampire #tzimisce
Tzimisce are often portrayed as landlords, who charge rent in blood, but I tend to envision them – ones with a humanity of at least 8, anyway – as surrounding themselves with large, self-sustaining communes populated by mortals, upon which they would feed with consent, alongside a few other Kindred, where everyone looks after each other, like in IRL vampire bat colonies.
That's the kind of Tzimisce I'd be, if I was one.
#vampirethemasquerade #vampire #tzimisce