Anti-Ecofascism surrealism · @ecosurrealism
37 followers · 264 posts · Server

25 years of the Acteal Massacre: Impunity, pain and the fight for justice

In the early morning of December 22, 1997, paramilitaries murdered 46 people (18 children, 22 women [some pregnant] and 6 men) from the organization 'Las Abejas', while they were praying in a church in Acteal, Chenalhó. This massacre was part of the government's strategy against the , to create an environment of terror and isolation around them.

#tzotzil #indigenous #mexican #zapatistas

Last updated 2 years ago

Bruja · @gaba
859 followers · 1311 posts · Server
Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
630 followers · 1067 posts · Server

"Abejas de Acteal: A 25 años de la masacre continúa violencia contra tzotziles"

Los hechos actuales son casos de emergencia y gravedad que pueden constituir situaciones de desplazamientos forzados como los ocurridos en Los Chorros y en la colonia Puebla.

👉 🐝

#mexico #chiapas #acteal #abejasdeacteal #pueblosoriginarios #tzotzil #chenalho #militares #indigenas #desplazamiento #ejercito #guardianacional #altoschiapas #resistenciaindigena #pueblosindigenas

Last updated 2 years ago

Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
588 followers · 1057 posts · Server