#DYK São Paulo, Brazil provides a good overview of what #UAM traffic could look like. Downtown SP accommodates >400,000 annual #helicopter operations in close proximity w/ 2 hub #airports. These ops have been performed with a remarkable level of #safety. 🚁
#AerialMobility #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #infrastructure #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #infrastructure #futureready #engineering #Aviation #aerialmobility #Safety #airports #helicopter #uam #dyk
¡Muchas Felicidades a los ingenieros de México y el mundo!
El día del Ingeniero en México se conmemora cada 1 de julio, celebrado desde el año 1973.
#DíaDelIngeniero #1DeJulio #UNAM #IPN #UAM #TecdeMonterrey #Ingeniero #Ingeniería #DragsterSystems
#DiaDelIngeniero #1dejulio #unam #ipn #uam #tecdemonterrey #ingeniero #ingenieria #dragstersystems
Read my interview with Joe Petrie for Airport Business magazine on preparing aviation facilities for advance air mobility (AAM): https://www.nxtbook.com/endeavor/airportbusiness/may-june-2023/index.php#/p/26. 🛩🚁🔋
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #aircraft #aviation #engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #infrastructure #mobility #transportation #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #AdvancedAirMobility #aam
I enjoyed our conversation on #eVTOL applications for executive #aviation with Dale D. Buss for Chief Executive magazine. Read Dale's article Stuck In Traffic? You Could Be Flying: https://chiefexecutive.net/plane-advantage-we-have-liftoff/. 🚁🔋
#AAM #aircraft #AirTravel #BusinessAviation #ElectricAviation #mobility #STEM #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOL
#vtol #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #stem #mobility #electricaviation #businessaviation #airTravel #aircraft #aam #Aviation #eVTOL
The #FAA has released version 2.0 of its Urban Air Mobility Concept of Operations. Find it here: https://www.faa.gov/air-taxis/uam_blueprint
Policy failure meets unscrupulous capitalism meets vulnerable migrant children. @nytimes reports on the Biden admin turning a blind eye toward releasing #unaccompaniedminors for employment in slaughter houses, packing plants etc #UAM #UC
Time is running out! The early bird registration deadline for the @VTOLsociety's 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display is Thursday, April 20. Register early & save: www.vtol.org/forum
We have more than 250 technical speakers, 50 invited speakers and 60+ exhibitors on the latest in #VTOL technology.
#helicopters #helicopter #rotorcraft #VerticalLift #eVTOL #electricVTOL #AAM #drones #UAM #drone #FVL #FutureVerticalLift #FLRAA #FARA #technology #society #innovation #Forum79 #VerticalFlight
#vtol #helicopters #helicopter #Rotorcraft #verticallift #eVTOL #electricvtol #AAM #drones #uam #drone #fvl #futureverticallift #flraa #fara #technology #society #innovation #forum79 #verticalflight
The 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display returns to West Palm Beach, Florida, May 16-18: www.vtol.org/forum
The 3-day event includes 250+ technical paper presentations on every discipline from Acoustics to Uncrewed Systems, as well as 50+ invited presentations & discussions by leaders in the military, government agencies & industry.
#helicopters #rotorcraft #drones #electricVTOL #VTOL #eVTOL #education #verticalflight #AAM #UAM #research #innovation #technology #Forum79 #aviation #avgeek
#helicopters #Rotorcraft #drones #electricvtol #vtol #eVTOL #education #verticalflight #AAM #uam #research #innovation #technology #forum79 #aviation #avgeek
The five campuses of the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM) in Mexico City have all gone on indefinite strike and been shut down by women students following the rape of a student by another student and the school's abhorrent response.
Students state they will not allow classes or work to continue until six demands have been met by the administration.
#Mexico #UAM #MexicoCity #CDMX #feminism #strike
#mexico #uam #mexicocity #cdmx #feminism #strike
"@VTOLsociety Leader Believes Technology Will Transform Sector," AIN, March 3:
"there are a thousand reasons why #eVTOL's won’t work & the same is true of #hydrogen,” Hirschberg commented. “What we’re trying to do is bring people together to make it work.”
#electricVTOL #AAM #aviation #avgeek #VFS #VTOL #workforce #verticalflight #uam #VTOLworkforce #H2flight #H2aviation #H2eVTOL
#eVTOL #hydrogen #electricvtol #AAM #aviation #avgeek #vfs #vtol #workforce #verticalflight #uam #vtolworkforce #h2flight #h2aviation #h2evtol
The @VTOLsociety #ElectricVTOL News is the world's most in-depth and longest serving eVTOL newsletter. Check out today's issue with highlights on #JobyAviation #Beta, #Airspeeder and more in #eVTOL, #eSTOL & #eCTOL powered by #battery-, #hybrid- & hydrogen-#electric propulsion:
#H2Flight #electricFlight #avgeek #aviation #flight #AAM #UAM #innovation #aerospace #technology #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #Hydrogen #H2aviation #Alauda #H2aero #h2fc #FuelCell
#electricvtol #jobyaviation #beta #airspeeder #eVTOL #estol #ectol #Battery #hybrid #electric #h2flight #electricflight #avgeek #aviation #flight #AAM #uam #innovation #aerospace #technology #h2evtol #h2ectol #hydrogen #h2aviation #alauda #h2aero #h2fc #fuelcell
The latest @VTOLsociety #Vertiflite Commentary: "Lilienthal Was Wrong" with the quote, “Designing a flying machine is nothing; Building it is something; Testing it is everything.” There's so much more than just getting an aircraft off the ground — esp. #eVTOL!
#Helicopter #electricVTOL #rotorcraft #aircraft #design #VTOL #VTOLsociety #avgeek #aviation #AAM #UAM #AdvancedAirMobility #electricFlight #Lilienthal #VerticalFlight #VTOLflight #VerticalFlightSociety #VFS
#vertiflite #eVTOL #helicopter #electricvtol #Rotorcraft #aircraft #design #vtol #vtolsociety #avgeek #aviation #AAM #uam #advancedairmobility #electricflight #lilienthal #verticalflight #vtolflight #verticalflightsociety #vfs
Time is running out to nominate a colleague for one of our prestigious awards. VFS awards submissions deadline is Wed, March 1. Help us recognize excellence in the Vertical Flight community! https://mailchi.mp/vtol/awards
#VTOL #helicopter #rotorcraft #VTOLawards #eVTOL #electricVTOL #VerticalFlight #avgeek #aviation #awards #AAM #UAM #HelicoptersSaveLives #VTOLsavesLives
#vtol #helicopter #Rotorcraft #vtolawards #eVTOL #electricvtol #verticalflight #avgeek #aviation #awards #AAM #uam #helicopterssavelives #vtolsaveslives
Is #UAE #urbanairmobility set for take-off?
#Dubai #aerotaxi plans seem to be finally falling into place. Timing is everything!
📖 Read my story lnkd.in/dacZhTF8
📖 See this week's news digest lnkd.in/dykMNJw6
#uae #urbanairmobility #dubai #aerotaxi #middleeastainews #uam #evtol
Dave Dunning of General Aviation Manufacturers Association is right. Advanced air mobility (AAM) cannot bloom without the right "brick & mortar" infrastructure on the ground. It's also true to say that AAM's high-intensity ops warrant specific provisions. Great article from Vertical Magazine: https://verticalmag.com/news/gama-urges-focus-on-day-to-day-evtol-infrastructure-and-maintenance/.
#AAM #aircraft #airports #aviation #engineering #futureready #infrastructure #mobility #research #STEM #transportation #UAM #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #uam #transportation #stem #Research #mobility #infrastructure #futureready #engineering #Aviation #airports #aircraft #aam
This HAI webinar with RTCA provides a good overview of the digital flight rules concept and the work that has been done (and still needs to be done) to advance it. #aviation #uam #aam https://youtu.be/5nJftg5MncY
Check out Prof. Brown's recent @VTOLsociety webinar on our YouTube channel:
#eVTOL #electricVTOL #VFS #VRS #VortexRingState #rotorcraft #vtol #AAM #UAM #props #avgeek #aviation #electricFlight #Sophrodyne
#eVTOL #electricvtol #vfs #VRS #vortexringstate #Rotorcraft #vtol #AAM #uam #props #avgeek #aviation #electricflight #sophrodyne
The #ElectricVTOL News, Jan. 31, 2023:
Check out all the news from the @VTOLsociety's 10th Annual #eVTOL Symposium! Those stories & many more in the latest edition of The Electric VTOL News.
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #UAM #UrbanAirMobility #H2Aviation #H2aero #H2Flight #H2aircraft #H2symposium #Vertiflite #aviation #avgeek #technology #innovation #rotorcraft #VTOL #VerticalFlight #VFS #VTOLsociety #aircraft #helicopter #ElectricFlight #ElectricAviation #ElectricAircraft
#electricvtol #eVTOL #AAM #advancedairmobility #uam #urbanairmobility #h2aviation #h2aero #h2flight #h2aircraft #h2symposium #vertiflite #aviation #avgeek #technology #innovation #Rotorcraft #vtol #verticalflight #vfs #vtolsociety #aircraft #helicopter #electricflight #electricaviation #electricaircraft