I see the #UBC outbreaks are happening now. #COVIDISNotOver https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/comments/16fm37l/i_do_not_care_if_its_covid_or_not_if_youre_sick/
Join us here at the Univ of British Columbia's School of #PublicPolicy and Global Affairs, as Asst Prof in #China Policy and Governance.
About a month left to prepare applications.
#publicpolicy #China #ubc #jobs #AcademicJob
The Carnegie has nothing of the indigenous PNW peoples and can't compare although their Inuit room is quite good. AMNH does a good job orienting and presenting the native peoples of Cascadia. There is a shout-out (briefly) to #8thGeneration #Seattle which was nice to see.
Of course, go to #vancouver #ubc or #victoria Royal BC Museum to knock your socks off.
#victoria #ubc #vancouver #Seattle #8thgeneration
Global News BC: UBC Okanagan ordered to pay $50,000 in sexual assault discrimination case https://globalnews.ca/news/9949235/ubc-okanagan-sexual-assault-discrimination-case/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #sexualassaultdiscrimination #B.C.HumanRightsTribunal #sexualassaultcomplaint #SexualAssault #UBC-Okanagan #Okanagan #SantaOno #Kelowna #Canada #UBCO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #sexualassaultdiscrimination #b #sexualassaultcomplaint #sexualassault #ubc #okanagan #santaono #kelowna #Canada #ubco
So pleased to see China historian and #UBC colleague T Cheek named as Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada!
Global News BC: Move-in day for B.C. post-secondary students amid housing crisis https://globalnews.ca/news/9936369/move-in-day-bc-post-secondary/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCpostsecondarystudents #BcStudentHousing #BCHousingCrisis #SFUhousing #UBChousing #Education #BCHousing #Economy #Canada #SFU #UBC #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcpostsecondarystudents #bcstudenthousing #bchousingcrisis #sfuhousing #ubchousing #education #BCHousing #economy #Canada #SFU #ubc #BC
What a beautiful morning to be sat in the library...
Global News BC: UBC study: What happens when you give homeless people $7,500? https://globalnews.ca/news/9933830/give-bc-homeless-people-7500-study/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #moneygiventohomelessstudy #BChomelessstudy #Perspectives #7500homeless #BChomeless #Education #BillS-233 #UBCstudy #Science #Canada #7500 #UBC #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #moneygiventohomelessstudy #bchomelessstudy #perspectives #7500homeless #bchomeless #education #bills #UBCstudy #science #Canada #ubc #BC
Global News BC: Are self-driving cars safe? A UBC study says British Columbians aren’t too sure https://globalnews.ca/news/9930216/self-driving-cars-safety-ubc-study/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #SelfDrivingCars #RoadSafety #Canada #Study #Tech #Cars #SVDs #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #selfdrivingcars #roadsafety #Canada #study #Tech #cars #svds #ubc
New study gave $7,500 to 50 unhoused people.
Guess what?
"They did not spend more money on alcohol or drugs, contrary to what people believe, and instead they spent the money on rent, food, housing, transit, furniture, a used car, clothes. It's entirely the opposite of what people think they're going to do with the money."
Congrats to my UBC colleague Jiaying Zhao on this study.
#ires #ubc #cashtransfers #Unhoused
Global News BC: Common cause for 4 major childhood allergies revealed in B.C. study https://globalnews.ca/news/9927676/childhood-allergies-gut-bacteria/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.Children'sHospital #Childhoodallergies #Children’sHospital #ChildrenAllergies #FoodAllergies #kidsallergies #GutBacteria #ubcreserach #allergies #Bacteria #Hayfever #Health #Asthma #Eczema #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #childhoodallergies #children #childrenallergies #FoodAllergies #kidsallergies #gutbacteria #ubcreserach #Allergies #bacteria #hayfever #health #asthma #eczema #ubc
Research Associate - University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia
Come join our team at #UBC in beautiful #Vancouver as a Research Associate to study #TB, #pathogens, #macrophages, #immunity, and #drugdiscovery!!
See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/university-of-british-columbia-27778-research-associate/?feed_id=55439
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research ...
#research #hiring #ScienceJobs #drugdiscovery #immunity #macrophages #pathogens #tb #vancouver #ubc
We redesigned the Ubyssey website! Tell me you really like it and that I'm good at my job 🙏
Global News BC: UBC researching brain power of ‘trash pandas,’ wants help from Vancouver residents https://globalnews.ca/news/9895275/ubc-raccoon-cognition-research-vancouver/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniverisityofBritishColumbia #canraccoonssolvepuzzles #howsmartareraccoons #raccoonIQresearch #Animalresearch #raccoonpuzzles #raccoonIQtest #Environment #UBCresearch #BCwildlife #Raccoons #Science #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #univerisityofbritishcolumbia #canraccoonssolvepuzzles #howsmartareraccoons #raccooniqresearch #animalresearch #raccoonpuzzles #raccooniqtest #environment #ubcresearch #BCwildlife #raccoons #science #ubc
Global News BC: Impact of B.C. drought on province’s fish could be severe, experts say https://globalnews.ca/news/9880849/impact-bc-drought-fish/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #BritishColumbia #okanagandrought #SevereDrought #Environment #extremeheat #bcdrought #Okanagan #Fish #Lake #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #okanagandrought #severedrought #environment #extremeheat #bcdrought #okanagan #fish #lake #ubc
We're looking to hire a junior colleague (asst prof) to focus on China Policy & Governance at #UBC's School of Public Policy and Global Affairs.
#ubc #chinapolicy #JobAd #employment
Global News BC: Clear-cut logging caused 84% flood size increase in B.C. creek: UBC https://globalnews.ca/news/9872712/clear-cut-logging-flood-risk-ubc-research/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #UBCforestryresearch #clearcutlogging #Clearcutting #Environment #bcforestry #BCforests #BCtimber #Science #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #ubcforestryresearch #clearcutlogging #clearcutting #environment #bcforestry #bcforests #bctimber #science #ubc
https://www.cyclingeu.com/17676/cycling-in-puglia-a-visit-to-malta-with-peter-dodek-professor-emeritus-of-critical-care-medicine/ Cycling in Puglia & a visit to Malta with Peter Dodek, Professor Emeritus of Critical Care Medicine #Bicycling #Biking #Cycling #CyclingMalta #Emeriti #Malta #UBC
#bicycling #biking #cycling #cyclingmalta #emeriti #malta #ubc
Global News BC: Students work to improve access to sexual health care for Indigenous women https://globalnews.ca/news/9860916/sexual-health-indigenous-women-lifegiver-box/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FirstNationsHealthAuthority #IndigenousHealth #IndigenousWomen #Women'shealth #LifeGiverBox #Sexualhealth #HealthCare #Indigenous #Canada #Health #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #FirstNationsHealthAuthority #IndigenousHealth #indigenouswomen #women #lifegiverbox #Sexualhealth #healthcare #indigenous #Canada #health #ubc
#Researchers at the #UBC Faculty of #Medicine are leading the #Vancouver site for an international study of Alzheimer’s disease in people of #Asian ancestry, a population that has been vastly #underrepresented in #Alzheimers #research to-date.
#AsianMastodon #InternationalStudy #MedicalStudy #Collaborative
#researchers #ubc #medicine #vancouver #asian #underrepresented #alzheimers #research #asianmastodon #internationalstudy #medicalstudy #collaborative