Both sexes give bigger tips to the female drivers.
Yet the male drivers still end up earning more per hour than the female drivers. One reason is that the men have gained more on-the-job expertise. They typically drive more hours weekly and stay longer with the firm. But the main factor that accounts for about half the #payGap? Men typically drive faster than women. Their average speed is only 2 percent higher, but that small difference means more trips per hour.
TaskRabbit's like Uber now
Chore codename hides a secret
Puzzles tech experts
#uber #taskrabbit #tech #coding #haiku #poetry
#uber #taskrabbit #tech #coding #haiku #poetry
Wowww what a big cute purple balloon!!
Found this cutie floating up way up in the sky, I wonder what's going on in that fwoomped up head of theirs?~
Could be either of two things.. either not a single thought, or nothing but thoughts of how embarrassingly good it feels to be so pumped up and gigantic <3
#furry #helium #inflation #closeup #bloated #face #boobs #embarrassed #cheeks #fat #balloon #exotic #uber #pump
#furry #helium #inflation #closeup #bloated #face #boobs #embarrassed #cheeks #fat #balloon #exotic #uber #pump
Ob das auch so ein durchschlagender Erfolg wird wie bei der Tourvermittlung? Dort haben es die Un-Verantwortlichen von Uber in den letzten gut 10 Jahren geschafft, einen mittlerweile zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag durch den Schornstein zu blasen - ohne Aussicht auf schwarze Zahlen.
Der europäische Konkurrent FreeNow (= Daimler + BMW) macht ebenfalls Verluste, allerdings 'nur' im dreistelligen Millionenbereich. Amateure!
Ökonomisch tragbare Personenbeförderung gibt es nur auf dreierlei Arten:
- Subventioniert (ÖPNV)
- Kleinteilig und dezentral, mit dem bei Selbstständigen üblichen Hang zur Selbstausbeutung (Taxi)
- ehrenamtlich (Bürgerbusse)
Die Plattform-Geschäftsmodelle der milliardenschweren Konzerne sind samt und sonders Verlustbringer, weil die Nachfrage bei Personenbeförderung stark schwankend ist: In den Rush-Hours massiv, außerhalb wenig. Eine gleichmäßige Auslastung ist ausgeschlossen. Schlecht für die Großen mit ihren Schichtsystemen und hohen Renditeansprüchen.
Gig Economy: Uber arbeitet angeblich an Vermittlung von Auftragsarbeiten
Der Transportvermittler Uber arbeitet angeblich an einem Dienst zur Auftragsvermittlung. Unter dem Codenamen "Chore" soll ein Minijob-Marktplatz entstehen.
Kollektivt ägd taxi-app ger förarna mer betalt – Fair Taxi
Igår, den en 8 september, lanserades den arbetarägda taxiappen Fair Taxi av Föreningen Taxiunionen. Appen lanseras inledningsvis i Stockholm med cirka hundra bilar. Förarna kommer inte vara anställda av företaget, utan egenanställda precis som på
#IT #Kollektivtrafik #App #Bolt #FairTaxi #Kooperativt #Taxi #Taxiapp #Taxiunionen #Uber
#uber #taxiunionen #taxiapp #Taxi #kooperativt #fairtaxi #bolt #app #kollektivtrafik #it
#crocodiletears for the weekend:
Travis Kalanick (of #Uber infamy) new venture Cloud Kitchens, that offers the infrastructure for the exploitative world of the 'dark kitchen' for #fooddelivery, has had close a number of its locations as it seems its business model does not appeal.... good news for kitchen workers fearing a further uber-isation of their casualised, zero-hours contract exploitative working environment - not that this will solve the problem(s).
#crocodiletears #uber #fooddelivery
TheOnion: Nebraska Man Pulled Over With Bull Named Howdy Doody Riding Shotgun https://www.theonion.com/nebraska-man-pulled-over-with-bull-named-howdy-doody-ri-1850797364?utm_source=regular #petergilchrist #humaninterest #howiesolvang #howdydoody #corabrady #doody #uber
#petergilchrist #humaninterest #howiesolvang #howdydoody #corabrady #doody #uber
I really think we're missing the boat as to an obvious place for these #SafePlace decals...
On #Uber vehicles! Just think...you're an Uber driver at a stoplight and someone is in trouble. They see your decal, wave you down, and you take them to safety!
I really think #RCID, #Orlando, #Osceola county, etc, needs think about this! I'd put it on my rear window!
#safeplace #uber #rcid #orlando #osceola
:How are you?
:是啊,有一些类似的罕见病症,但都还不能确定。有个类似状况的家伙 18 岁就死了,我今年 20 岁,突然就不知道未来会怎样,于是压力很大……八个月前刚拿到驾照,现在因为疾病原因先冻结一年半,爸爸新给买的车子也卖掉了……医院里很多人对我很好,有个老太太,但我不知道她现在是不是还活着……理疗时需要从每一个分解动作来学习怎样走路,我从来没想过这个动作这么复杂,啊,你说的对,就像给机器人编程……
:How are you?
TheOnion: San Francisco Begins Initiative To Provide Affordable Housing To Electric Scooters https://www.theonion.com/san-francisco-begins-initiative-to-provide-affordable-h-1850775577?utm_source=regular #electricmotorcyclesandscooters #transportationinsandiego #privatetransport #electricscooter #mobilityscooter #kickscooters #londonbreed #scooter #bird #spin #uber #lime
#electricmotorcyclesandscooters #transportationinsandiego #privatetransport #electricscooter #mobilityscooter #kickscooters #londonbreed #scooter #bird #spin #uber #lime
Taxi-Festpreis: München wird erste Stadt mit Festpreisoption im Tarifkorridor
Taxi-Kunden können in München ab kommenden Freitag vorab einen Festpreis beanspruchen. Diesem Modell wollen andere Städte folgen.
Wie? War das jemals anders? 🤔 #Uber https://www.iphone-ticker.de/ab-1-september-uber-fuehrt-taxi-festpreise-ein-220045/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
wtf is going on at #uber i request directions for a brasilian business and they provide me a ride to another country....
The less #delivery riders get paid, the more they have to rush, cause accidents
Delivery riders considered #IndependentContractors, not entitled to #MinimumPay, #SickLeave, #AnnualLeave. #Uber pays $2 or $3 per kilometre, spends millions on #advertisements.
#UberEats #contractors #MinimumWage #WorkSafety #capitalism #exploitation #Australia
#delivery #independentcontractors #minimumpay #sickleave #annualleave #uber #advertisements #ubereats #contractors #minimumwage #worksafety #capitalism #exploitation #australia
An #Uber driver in Washington, D.C., fled to the United States hoping to escape the violence in his native Iraq. After nearly catching several bullets over the weekend, Omar Al-Furaiji has concluded that he has simply traded one war zone for another.
I only #uber like twice a year...
..but my guy has the car cool AF and he's driving totally like I would..
..which would scare the average person but here we are...
He's getting a great tip! 😂
Wow. I took an #uber and the app outed and deadnamed me to the driver, who proceeded to microaggress the hell out of me for the last third of the trip.
I still gave him a five star rating and a tip so he wouldn’t burn my Uber account. But now I want to burn my Uber account.
#uber #walkingwhiletrans #transgender