Hahah, so following @bgeurten 's example I got #chatgpt to make rap lyrics from our recent abstract 😀 Then I went on and let #uberduckai perform it as Snoop Dogg 😆
🎶 http://sndup.net/jp5b
📃 https://pastebin.com/UAH9b5QP
@xierra099 I'm such an hypocrite. I often don't fave genders/orientations/fetishes/characters I'm not into (or even characters from stuff I'm not caught up on) even if I like the artist.
I enjoyed the Tomike, for the plot! :blobcry:
Heads up; this is jank as fuck:
#jankyAF #LovinSis #uberduckai
#jankyAF #LovinSis #uberduckai
Also, a special message just for sicko @xierra099. Stay strong, dawg. :blobdab:
#fixes #uberduckai #supersexyrobots #sickoxierra #LovinSis
Following @Hellpony and @DevanDrake99 I've done one of those robo-dubs. Very frustrating, very fun.
15.ai seemed easier to use, and provided better results, but I used uberduck.ai as it allowed me my dream casting. Embrace the jank.
#sexyrobots #LovinSis #fixedaspectratio #uberduckai