#20yrsago How blogs got an A-list https://web.archive.org/web/20030220025754/http://shirky.com/writings/powerlaw_weblog.html
#20yrsago #NeilGershenfeld pulls down the pants of #ubicomp https://web.archive.org/web/20030203152613/http://flow.doorsofperception.com/content/gershenfeld_trans.html
#10yrsago Star Wars easter-egg hidden in a #traceroute https://memex.craphound.com/2013/02/09/star-wars-easter-egg-hidden-in-a-traceroute/
#10yrsago Seattle Mayor returns police drones to the manufacturer https://www.thestranger.com/blogs/2013/02/07/15954706/mayor-will-kill-spds-drone-program
#10yrsago Guerrilla Benchers replace street furniture removed to discourage homeless people https://www.spacehijackers.org/html/projects/guerrillabench/guerrilla.html
#20yrsago #neilgershenfeld #ubicomp #10yrsago #traceroute
RT @matboehmer
Neue Themen für Abschlussarbeiten und Projekte (BA, MA), bspw. in neuem Forschungsprojekt zu interaktiven Kommunikationsbausteine für Freundschaften https://moxd.io/open-theses/ //cc @micologne @codeandcontext #iot #hci #ubicomp
In my book I quoted a 1990 Boston Globe piece declaring VR no match for a walk in the woods; this week I was reminded Mark Weiser's famous 1991 essay also says computing should be "as refreshing as taking a walk in the woods." Goes back to Thoreau I suppose (and Heidegger), but wondering now about the history of this rather-be-in-the-woods school of technology
#thoreauvian #mediatheory #vr #ubicomp
btw, this is all a very very natural next level step for the beloved-to-me upnp/dlna/miracast protocols.
#openscreenprotocol encompasses those old use cases, allowing one to fling a media file at a device.
but it also promotes these edge devices from dumb stupid media renderers, to full fledged web entities. it's a thicker client architecture. the client is a web page! go to this page, & keep open a comms link back to me while you do so. that's how chromecast works. that's how openscreenprotocol works.
i absolutely positively am over the moon with it all. it's such an incredible & incredibly obvious next step for ubiquotous & pervasive computing, putting the universal platform- the web- in to the devices all about us, & letting us dial in. #ambient #ambientcomputing #mobilecomputing #ubicomp
#ubicomp #mobilecomputing #ambientcomputing #ambient #OpenScreenProtocol
practically any speaker what-so-ever, so long as it is quite affordable & can be deployed en fleet. open the next wave of pervasive & ubiquotous computing! #ubicomp
RT @khornbaek@twitter.com
Want to join U. Copenhagen as a prof in human-centered computing? Apply by Aug 14th, see http://tinyurl.com/hcc-jobs-cph (RT = 🙏😃) #hci #uist #tei #cscw #ubicomp #wonderfulcopenhagen @sigchi@twitter.com @ACMUIST@twitter.com @ACM_CSCW@twitter.com @tei_conf@twitter.com @ubicomp@twitter.com @DIKU_Institut@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/khornbaek/status/1158586005735256064
#wonderfulcopenhagen #ubicomp #cscw #tei #uist #hci
I talked a little about naked sensors recently, versus the camera appliance, and here- here we go- here's an interesting twist i didn't see last week, a twist that could mean anything & i feel like may mean everything, in turning the corner past camera as integrated appliance, and into sensor for systems. Drones as a gateway to #ubicomp,
Sony Imaging joining Linux Foundation's open Dronecode group,
via https://mobile.twitter.com/Dronecode/status/1037718348346400768
One of my most favoritest things is Steve Harris's JACK Timemachine. Interface is just one big glowing button. Press it and it saves the last bunch of seconds of audio.
I need to run this all the time. I need this running in parallel across devices. This is a major #ubicomp goal for me, albeit not one I'm working on immediately.
The future is cameraless. Not as in no sensors, but the sensor as appliance is to be surely slowly consumed in the cauldron of #ubicomp: special function dissembled into a detached general sensorware piece of the greater generally programmable real-time peripheral- & info-strata.