I updated my UniFi controller this past weekend and now my FlexHD keeps dropping some SSIDs or just stops working all together. Not sure what is up with it but it is getting annoying.
#Ubiquiti #UniFi users: Rejoice! The company has done the right thing and improve quite drastically its UniFi Network line-up by increasing its #IPv6 support in v7.5 software. Still a long way 'til we have a fully-fledged support but we have to give credit where credit is due.
FlashROM der RocketM5 erfolgreich ausgelesen đ
Praktisch, dass der Raspberry die nötige Hard- und Software zum Flashen gleich mitbringt:
Einfach in der raspi-config das SPI Interface aktivieren und dann mit dem flashrom-Tool den Chip auslesen.
Jetzt warten auf das Ersatzteil, das Backup drauf schreiben, einlöten, noch einmal Firmware-Update im Recoverymodus und dann lÀuft die Kiste wieder.
So zumindest der Plan đ
Ăberlege meinen doch jetzt recht betagten und auch mit âneuemâ Bootstick USG-3P gegen eine DreamMachine Pro SE zu tauschen, oder doch PFSense? #ubiquiti
Are there any #Ubiquiti users who made #IPv6 over #PPPoE with #DHCPv6 work (prefix delegation)? I have spent months debugging it while feeding a support ticket that goes nowhere. I can see packets that advertise the network prefix allocated by the ISP but not replies to router solicitations later. In effect, I never end up with an IPv6 on the router (#UDMPro).
Obviously, the ISP's #Huawei router just works...
Did I ever mention my love-hate relationship with Ubiquiti?!
#ubiquiti #ipv6 #pppoe #dhcpv6 #udmpro #huawei
@privateger OFC if you just want to fumble around and only need more than 1GBaseT, you'd likely be sufficiently covered with a cheap unmanaged switch.
#UniFi only fills the needs for anyone who isn't satisfyable with a cheap #CPE like a #FritzBox or whatever, and for that they do rock that segment for SMEs and professional users.
Considering Cisco requires subscriptions to use their shit, #Ubiquiti actually sells good stuff.
It's just not what you want and/or need.
#ubiquiti #fritzbox #cpe #UniFi
@Archivist @sammy @Jain @SuperDicq @y0nei nah.
#ubiquiti doesn't require any superpower to be used because it's really simple and efficient...
Ubiquiti has updated its Identity Management app yesterday. I assume this comes along with changes in their backend.
Did you, if you are an UniFi user, observe any anomalies?
NEW EPISODE: For this new instalment of the @uichatpodcast, @alexlowe30 and Willie Howe are back to discuss the latest Ubiquiti news from the past month.
Proudly recorded using SquadCastFM and hosted with Castos
Episode Link: https://wp.me/p6hMdl-7qy
Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3NIiKlm
Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0Q9h7XLDNUc
The @uichatpodcast is a production from @theinterface
So I am looking to upgrade my network from a nest wifi to a ubiquiti system. This isn't something that will happen over night and I have been debating about going with a small rack in a closet or their new wall mount solution which will need a switch I think.
Is this too much for a house that has 1 nas/nextcloud instance.
Real benefit being the extended range out on the far patio.
#network #wifi #security #ubiquiti
Iâm hoping Iâve finally fixed the drop-outs affecting two of my #Ubiquiti #Unifi #AccessPoints. After looking at the logs on the APs, I saw the âinformâ URL was getting reset. I couldnât find any reason for that ⊠but the logs showed one of the changes was to the IP of my main desktop computer. I realized Iâd temporarily installed the Unifi app on it, even though I normally use a Unifi controller VM or container. I stopped and removed the desktop controller app, and things are going well so far.
#ubiquiti #unifi #accesspoints
I love the #Unifi Ecosystem. It works so fluent and well.
Can't wait until my new home installation is done to get to the networking part and finish the 19" rack in the basement đ€©
Next steps will be configuring #Homeassistant and #Shelly devices.
#UniFi #homeassistant #shelly #network #home #it #iot #ubiquiti
I keep misreading that as âdevice is in outrageâ and am like me too, me too. #networking #ubiquiti
New to advanced #HomeNetworking, but I just got gigabit fiber and am looking to setup #Ubiquiti #UniFi. Am I good to go with a UDM SE and a couple U6 Mesh access points? This is a 1500 sq ft apartment with lots of walls, so I figure one AP for the living room and one for the office should be enough.
#homenetworking #ubiquiti #UniFi
Spectrum constantly dropping during meetings drove me to have fiber installed. Google was the only option in our neighborhood. The tech doing the install was kind enough to pull a line for my U6-LR in the attic and all just worked when i plugged into the USG-3P from the fiber jack. At the furthest point in the house from the AP I'm getting around 500mb matched on my iPhone 13pro. Will do a little optimization this weekend. #unifi #ubiquiti
ugh seriously
I provisioned a network vlan 10,
I can arping the provisioned LB ip just fine.
I'm running on esxi/vSphere 7 dSwitch.
I see the IP request for port 80 in tcpdump.
#kubernetes #metallb #dreammachinepro #ubiquiti
So I bought a UDM-Pro from #Ubiquiti and an UAP-AC-PRO, so I guess I am starting a homelab! What should be next? I have a spare laptop :D
#homelab #networking #opensource #selfhosting
#ubiquiti #homelab #networking #opensource #selfhosting