Daniela Keusen · @DanielaKeusen
8 followers · 94 posts · Server colearn.social
Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
9 followers · 17422 posts · Server dromedary.seedoubleyou.me
Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
7 followers · 15782 posts · Server dromedary.seedoubleyou.me

Was ist und in welchem Verhältnis steht das zu Begriffen wie oder ?

Ich habe mich für die Sommerausgabe des Spatial Realities Podcasts mit Thomas Bedenk zusammengesetzt und eine launische und sehr informative Folge aufgenommen!

Zum Start sprachen Thomas und ich noch über diese beiden Themen:
- Reception, Thomas trifft Jensen Huang
- Sommerfest des game Verbands

Und hier geht es zur Folge:

#spatialcomputing #Metaverse #xr #ubiquitouscomputing #Nvidia #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

Sheepchase · @sheepchase
167 followers · 137 posts · Server mastodon.social

A tiny addition about my pre-Japan life. Before I moved to Japan and began researching , sociology of computing (/#PervasiveComputing/#IOT) and things like that, I did my PhD in Sociology off the construction and maintenance of a ‘sense of community’ in contemporary in the UK. Prior to that I studied a lot of (mainly Western Ritual Magic), so even though I’m not involved at all anymore I still enjoy seeing it pop up in movies.

#ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ubiquitouscomputing #paganism #occultism

Last updated 2 years ago

Sheepchase · @sheepchase
273 followers · 643 posts · Server mastodon.social

A tiny addition about my pre-Japan life. Before I moved to Japan and began researching , sociology of computing (/#PervasiveComputing/#IOT) and things like that, I did my PhD in Sociology on the construction and maintenance of a ‘sense of community’ in contemporary in the UK. Prior to that I studied a lot of (mainly Western Ritual Magic), so even though I’m not involved at all anymore I still enjoy seeing it pop up in movies.

#ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #ubiquitouscomputing #paganism #occultism

Last updated 2 years ago

Jörg Peckruhn · @Peggy
88 followers · 5095 posts · Server norden.social

RT @Peter_Schaar@twitter.com
Wir müssen uns mehr mit der ungesunden Symbiose zwischen allgegenwärtiger Datenverarbeitung, datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen und zunehmender beschäftigen

#überwachung #iot #ubiquitouscomputing #smarthome #datenschutz

Last updated 6 years ago

deutrino · @deutrino
449 followers · 13111 posts · Server mstdn.io

How come a USB charger housing that will fit a for / as a drop box to hide in plain sight isn't something I can buy by now? I don't have a 3D printer :(

#pizerow #pentesting #ubiquitouscomputing #needsmoarubiquitous

Last updated 7 years ago