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La messagerie UBO ne fonctionne plus depuis ce midi. Cela devrait revenir à la normale demain (🤞 ).
A bientôt !
#esr #ubo #universites
(c'est dommage un jour de pré-rentrée...🙃 )
@opt9 @KoHoSo @librewolf
I've moved out from chrome a couple years ago and I started to use Firefox, but when I discovered #Librewolf it became my favorite browser. I'm using it as my main browser around a year ago and I have no complaints. Librewolf + #uBO addon is the perfect choice for privacy.
@TiffyBelle @flaminghohners T/y. That was an interesting read, & ostensibly disturbing. Ostensibly.
My geeky-user-but-NO-expert familiarity with #Firefox [#Nightly, specifically] & chromium-based browsers [on my (#Linux only) pc's that's #VivaldiSnapshot & #Chromium] extends to matters of features, functions & privacy. Security, in the context of that paper & its links, is way beyond my knowledge, so it'd be silly of me to attempt any technical disparagement of that paper.
I shall note, though, that browser development is a pretty fast-paced project, such that i do wonder about the contemporary validity of any paper written several years ago. The paper was last edited March 19th, 2022, so clearly not too bad. However, & IMO most unfortunately, ALL its purportedly supportive links to external references are VERY old, ranging from newest of 2020, to oldest of 2011, with a perceived median around 2016.
For instance, the linked paper's linked paper "Exploiting and Protecting Dynamic Code Generation", says on p10, within "A. Setup", that
>The operating system is the 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 with kernel 3.8.0-35-generic
That version was released in early 2013.
I suspect this potential "technological aging" makes many or maybe most of the underlying claims rather dubious today, unless & until a contemporary reappraisal by technically competent peeps were done, based on current #Firefox code, not on how it used to be many years ago. Maybe the conclusion would not change? Maybe it would? 🤷♀️
Other Thoughts, fwiw.
Even with a generous assumption that all claims in that paper remain technically valid today [tbc], for many browser users in countries / jurisdictions not overtly fascist & dictatorial, who as individuals are unlikely to be targeted by state-actors, i respectively opine that the larger more probable safety hazard to them might come from #privacy, not #security, breaches. To that extent, i note these:
- #uBlockOrigin is more powerful in Firefox than in chromium browsers, due to the latter having no support for CNAME-uncloaking
- Google is actively striving, via its Mv3 replacement for Mv2, & its egregious FLoC / Topics crap, to further weaken uBO & all other #adblockers. Otoh, Mozilla intends indefinite Firefox support for Mv2, albeit also with added Mv3 compatibility.
-- #AddOns / #Extensions like #uBO are far more than "only" adblockers. By running in "hard mode" for instance, & liberally creating a suite of global & per-site dynamic filters, AND having #Javascript globally disabled but allowed by the user on favoured sites, great privacy protection is afforded. Google's plans are to actively weaken this user privacy in Chromium.
- sadly, silly insecure-by-design MS Windows remains the world's dominant OS. Yet for those alert to the Windows hazards & willing to make a change, #Linux provides vastly more security & privacy by design.
- As well, both dominant #Linux #DesktopEnvironments & at least one #WindowManager, now provide stable everyday #Wayland capability instead of the ancient insecure #X11 / #Xorg #DisplayServer -- thus eliminating one classic security vulnerability mentioned in the paper/s.
- Linux users can avail themselves of even more privacy by #sandboxing their apps. There's several choices; i use #Firejail. Therefore browsers [& all other relevant apps] cannot access any of the user's private data beyond the sandbox's bounds.
#firefox #nightly #Linux #vivaldisnapshot #chromium #privacy #security #ublockorigin #adblockers #addons #extensions #ubo #javascript #desktopenvironments #windowmanager #wayland #x11 #xorg #displayserver #sandboxing #firejail
Grumble grumble moan grumble... whine, whinge.
I've discovered today that my successful-for-years #uBlockOrigin #DynamicFilter settings that til now defeated #SBSAustralia's #OnDemand anti-#AdBlock defences, now fail. So far, i've been unable to further refine my settings to defeat their new defeat, meaning that to stream it hereafter, i have to disable #uBO, thus be subjected to the outrageous frequency & duration of ads. That, i ain't gonna do. So, it seems that once more, i need to abandon SBS.
Oh, also, even reinstalling #uMatrix & retweaking it, also has not helped. Curses.
#ublockorigin #dynamicfilter #sbsaustralia #ondemand #adblock #ubo #umatrix
This Luxembourg Businessman Got Europe's #CorporateRegistries Shut Down. But Whose #Privacy Was He Protecting?
#transparency #ubo #beneficialownership #occrp #privacy #corporateregistries
Pourquoi un homme qui dirige une compagnie d'aviation privée est-il devenu une figure centrale de la lutte contre la transparence des entreprises sur le continent ? Il s'avère que Patrick Hansen a ses propres secrets, notamment des liens multiples avec de riches hommes d'affaires russes.
#investigation #europe #ubo #russia
FAQ: The EU Ruling on Ownership Transparency and What It Means for Journalists
#foi #corruption #transparency #occrp #ubo
I firmly believe that mandatory minimum share allocations for all private sector contracts is the best way to reverse spiralling #WealthInequality, avoid the pitfalls of #Automation and create a healthier economy that actually rewards people. Its backdoor #WorkerOwnership that slowly converts private companies into #Cooperatives.
Combine it with a #UBI and a proper #WealthTax and maybe we’ll get somewhere.
I call it a #UBO.
#ubo #wealthtax #ubi #cooperatives #workerownership #automation #wealthinequality
I believe that "Fanboy's Annoyance List", which is one of the blocklists mantained by EasyList (and can be used in uBO, ABP, etc.), is supposed to suppress newsletter popups and similar junk.
Their coverage is not nearly as complete as the main lists' coverage for run-of-the-mill web ads, though.
If you feel so inclined, the official method for notifying the maintainers of content missed by the blocklist is the forum at https://forums.lanik.us/ and it appears they update the list every 7 days or so.
#adblocking #ublockorigin #AdBlockPlus #ubo #EasyList
Depuis le 16 novembre, le #LemarLab participe à la campagne SCOPES dédiée à la compréhension de l’écosystème planctonique de l’océan côtier sud-sénégalais. Dans le cadre du projet #ANR #SOLAB "Plankton interactions, their environmental determinants, and biogeochemical consequences in the Southern Senegal coastal laboratory"
Le blog de la campagne est à suivre ici:
#ocean #plankton #science #IRD #UCAD #CNRS #INEE #INSU #UAM #UAS #CRODT #Univ-Brest (#UBO) #Ifremer
#ifremer #ubo #univ #crodt #uas #UAM #insu #inee #cnrs #ucad #ird #science #plankton #ocean #solab #anr #lemarlab
L'article d'origine (en anglais) est en libre accès :
#ubo #sante #pollution #science
A partir d'un travail mené au sein de mon ancien labo (#LemarLab) :
Le Goff, S., Barrat, J.-A., et al. 2019. Compound-specific recording of gadolinium pollution in coastal waters by great scallops. Sci Rep 9: 8015. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-44539-y
Un important projet de recyclage du gadolinium a vu le jour à Brest en 2021 (MeGadoRe, Medical Gadolinium Recycling) Après 1 an il a dans son réseau >150 IRM en France, dont le CHU de Poitiers
#ubo #sante #pollution #science #lemarlab
Danke an #KuketzBlog für das Teilen eines Tutorials zu #uBlockOrigin
Link: https://www.kuketz-forum.de/t/ublock-origin-effiziente-benutzung-mit-dynamic-filtering-und-skript-blockierung/1441
Hier auch der direkte Link zu dem Logger vom #uBO
falls es jemanden interessiert. 🤔
#kuketzblog #ublockorigin #ubo
RT @Matthijs85@twitter.com
Het UBO-register is opnieuw een voorbeeld waarin 99% van de goedwillende kleine bedrijfjes en stichtinkjes wordt gestraft met extra administratieve lasten🤦♂️ https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/weer-een-voorbeeld-dat-99-procent-van-de-goedwillenden-wordt-gestraft-met-extra-werk-en-kosten~b4f12a15
Kosten: 100 miljoen 😲
en zelfs Belastingdienst ziet het nut er niet van in 🙄 #UBO #bureaucratie https://twitter.com/Matthijs85/status/1395330314646474755
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Matthijs85/status/1498259078795177984
Another new #GameDesign book with great interviews added to #TheVideoGameLibrary 📚
Create game worlds with pro techniques and insights offered by one of the gaming industry giants, #TomMeigs, who has worked at #THQNordic, #PlayStation and #Disney.
#GameDev #GameDevelopment #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Book #Books #Bookstodon #UBO #MMO #WorldBuilding #WildTangent #Python #JavaScript #Coding #Gamer #Game
#game #gamer #Coding #JavaScript #Python #wildtangent #worldbuilding #mmo #ubo #bookstodon #Books #book #videogame #videogames #Gaming #gamedevelopment #GameDev #Disney #Playstation #THQNordic #tommeigs #thevideogamelibrary #gamedesign
Ja, meinte ein Kläger mit dem Alias "WS". Und der Gerichtshof der EU stimmte ihm letzte Woche zu.
Alle EU-Länder müssen, basierend auf dem Urteil, jetzt ihre #UBO-Register der wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer abschalten.
Über #UBO-Register können zB sanktionierte russische Eigentümer von Wertanlagen in der EU identifiziert werden. Das Register spuckt Name und Geburtsdaten des wirtschaftlichen Eigentümers aus.
Sind das Informationen, die in die Privatsphäre der Eigentümer eingreifen?
In der #EU gibt es Datenbanken zum wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer von juristischen Personen.
Egal, was für anonyme Holdingkonstrukte man sich baut: Rechtsträger, die in der EU registriert sind, müssen den tatsächlich dahinterstehenden wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer (#UBO) bekannt geben
This woman has been under incessant attack in Romania, where she was an effective pitbull against corruption and now in the EU since she has become the anti-corruption prosecutor.
Hopefully EU will re-legislate quickly.
I see that the money-launderers are falling over themselves to get removed from the databases.
#Privacy #Crime #UBO #EU #Corruption #LauraCodrutaKovesi
#BBC #lauracodrutakovesi #Corruption #EU #ubo #crime #Privacy