U995 Museum, Laboe.
The VIIC U-Boat U995 is the last of its type on exhibit anywhere, in spite of having been the mainstay of the German WW2 U-Boat fleet with over 700 built and commissioned.
#laboe #u995 #viic #uboat #uboot #technikmuseum #kiel #schleswigholstein #holstein #reisen #travel #germany #deutschland #history #ww2 #photography (Instagram 03.07.2022)
#Laboe #u995 #viic #uboat #uboot #technikmuseum #kiel #schleswigholstein #holstein #reisen #travel #germany #deutschland #history #ww2 #photography
The walking space inside of a #submarine is much smaller than what it looks like in a movie. #uboat This one was made in Russia in 1976.
During our holiday on Gran Canaria, we were mostly in the water.
We even did a submarine tour – a small, exciting expedition with a real yellow submarine into the lively underwater world off the coast of Puerto de Mogan.
This small trip comes highly recommended for both parents and children.
Check this site for more information: https://atlantidasubmarine.com
#Photography #Submarine #Uboat #GranCanaria #CanaryIslands #PuertoDeMorgan
#photography #submarine #uboat #grancanaria #canaryislands #puertodemorgan
This weeks’ #shipwreck #scubadiving aboard #dive #boat Maverick (Dover)
Friday 21st at 0815,ropes off 0845. SS MANDOVIE. 25-30 mtrs.£70.
Saturday 22nd at 0900,ropes of 0930. SV RIVER LEVERN .30 mtrs.£70.
Saturday 22nd at 1545,ropes off 1615. HMT FALMOUTH III. 30mtrs.£60.
Sunday 23rd at 0945, ropes off 1015. #Uboat UB 58 30 mtrs.£60.
Monday 24th at 1030,ropes off 1100. UNKNOWN .30mtrs . £60.
To book or be added to our “dive text list” text Chris on 07889821266
#shipwreck #scubadiving #Dive #boat #uboat
During our holiday on Gran Canaria, we were mostly in the water.
We even did a submarine tour – a small, exciting expedition with a real yellow submarine into the lively underwater world off the coast of Puerto de Mogan.
This small trip comes highly recommended for both parents and children.
Check this site for more information: https://atlantidasubmarine.com
#Photography #Submarine #Uboat #GranCanaria #CanaryIslands #PuertoDeMorgan
#photography #submarine #uboat #grancanaria #canaryislands #puertodemorgan
Uwielbiam Das Boot Wolfganga Petersena, za małolata kochałem Silent Huntera i...
No nie miałem w giereczkowie zbyt wielu powodów do radości ostatnimi czasy. Silent Hunter chyba umarł, bo od ostatniej części minęło już wiele lat, Kursk okazał się jakimś gównem w które ledwo dało się na Xboxie grać, a Barotrauma, spoko gra swoją drogą, to jednak nie jest to samo co SH.
I nagle zjawiają się Polacy z Uboat. I jak zobaczyłem że to ma być kolejny "symulator" to pomyślałem sobie...
"Wszechwieczny deptaczu światów, dlaczego ty mnie, piotrusia zakolaka, tak kurwa gnębisz?"
Myślałem że to będzie znowu gra w stylu "kliknij by zwalić koledze na koi obok", że klimat łodzi podwodnej bardziej poczułbym pływając kajakiem, że znowu jakieś badziewie nam ktoś wciska, opowiadając bajki żeby zmamić fanów tematyki. No i bardzo się cieszę, bo się bardzo myliłem.
Gra to... symulator zmieszany z survivalem i grą o zarządzaniu? Jesteśmy dowódcą U-Boota, jest początek II Wojny Światowej, mieszkańcy kraju w którym mieszkam teraz, atakują mieszkańców kraju z którego pochodzę, a my, w podwodnej puszce, czyścimy morza i oceany.
Rekrutujemy załogę, pilnujemy żeby nie panikowali, zarządzamy systemami, odcinamy zasilanie, dbamy o powietrze, zanurzamy się, wynurzamy się, strzelamy torpedami i rozstawiamy miny. Zarabiamy hajs, wypłacamy żołd, kontaktujemy się przez radio, patrolujemy wody wszelakie, a w międzyczasie rozwijamy naszego podwodnego rozpierdalacza.
I ta gra jest tak rozbudowana, że ja pierdolę i jeszcze trochę. Sam samouczek jest rozłożony na kilka lekcji, bo nauki mamy tu dużo. Patrole wspomniane, strzelanie do samolotów, strzelanie do statków, rządzenie marynarzami, wypatrywanie wroga, ukrywanie się, siedzenie cicho pod wodą żeby nas nie złapali, no masa, masa, masa zawartości.
#uboat #playway #gry #steam #uboot
Sobotni wieczór to czas, kiedy w końcu mogę na spokojnie usiąść na dupie, otworzyć butlę, odpalić gierkę i odpocząć. I dziś, jako że jestem na niemieckich ziemiach, sprawdzę jak to jest być...
Dowódcą niemieckiego U-Boota podczas II Wojny Światowej zaraz po inwazji na Polskę?
#uboat #uboot #gry #steam #whisky #wochenende
TIL #GeorgeSantos was awarded a #PurpleHeart and a #NobelPeacePrize by ingeniously identifying #German #Uboat coordinates using an #Ovaltine code-breaking kit and saving #WWII.
Also his mother invented #flapjacks.
#georgesantos #purpleheart #nobelpeaceprize #german #uboat #ovaltine #wwii #flapjacks
September, 1941 - Back in port after a first training run with U-46, off the coast of Norway.
September, 1941 - Back in port after a first training run with U-46, off the coast of Norway.
@explorergrace here you go. This is the account of the time he crashed in a #Liberator #WWII #RAF #RNZAF #SSLetitia #UBoat
#liberator #wwii #raf #rnzaf #ssletitia #uboat
German #uboat U-133 did not survive her success for even two months. On 13 March 1942, when leaving her new patrol base of #Salamis in occupied #greece, she struck a German mine and was lost with all hands. She can now be dived just off the coast. Her commander had just transferred to a shore-based position on 1 March 1943. He would be killed along with the crew of his new boat U-194 on 24 June 1943, when she was sunk by depth-charges and a torpedo. https://www.wreckhistory.com/u-133/?lang=en
In the spirit of #rememberanceday, I also wanted to raise awareness of an oddity of #operationcrusader - it saw almost as many @royalnavy@birdsite.james.moody.name sailors killed as #britisharmy soldiers.
The reason for this was that two of the most significant loss-of-life sinkings occurred during the operation, when HMS Barham was lost to a spread of German #uboat torpedoes, and HMS Neptune ran into a minefield north of Tripoli.
#ww2 #navalhistory #histodons @histodons #history
#RememberanceDay #operationcrusader #britisharmy #uboat #ww2 #Navalhistory #histodons #history
A German coastal U-boat employed mostly on Britain’s east coast and in the Channel comes in after another lengthy spell at sea - date and location unknown #worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #uboat #wolfpack #dasboot
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #uboat #wolfpack #dasboot
Trying to play #UBOAT - however my pc just turns off whenever I start the game. I know it has that issue sometimes, but somehow with this game it seems more extreme. Othr games like #Trackmania work just fine...
A German sailor performs some routine maintenance on torpedo tubes aboard U-552 - nicknamed the Red Devil it was a type VII U boat and commanded by Erich Topp. It sank nearly 200,000 tonnes of allied shipping, the war’s third highest tally.
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #uboat #reddevil #uboat #submarine #wolfpack
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #uboat #reddevil #submarine #wolfpack
A German sailor struggles to keep his footing whilst topside on a U-boat during an operation - Atlantic Ocean, Sept 1943
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #uboat #kriegsmarine #wolfpack #battleoftheatlantic #atlantic
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #uboat #kriegsmarine #wolfpack #battleoftheatlantic #atlantic
The U-Boat pens at Trondheim, Norway - the main base for Wolf packs operating against the Artic convoys. The boat on the left is a Type VIIC (768-871 tons, five 21inch tubes, 17/7.5 knots) the one on the right is a Type IXD2 (1616 - 1804, six 21inch tubes, 19.25/ 7 knots) date unknown.
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #trondheim #norway #wolfpack #uboat #dasboot
#worldwartwo #worldwar2 #ww2 #worldatwar #secondworldwar #conflict #history #worldwartwopictures #war #worldwar2pictures #historyofwar #historyofwarfare #kriegsmarine #trondheim #norway #wolfpack #uboat #dasboot