@mos_8502 which does make sense given #Canonical wants #UbuntuLTS / #Ubuntu to be the next big #Enterprise #distro...
#distro #enterprise #Ubuntu #ubuntults #canonical
@littletranspunk @empathicqubit that's because the perversive incentives in capitalism do basically harm those offering a better option and not the one that's guaranteed to break semi-annually and thus provide them recurring revenue by scamming users with overpriced repairs.
IOW: It's more profitable to sell people trash Windows than #UbuntuLTS because the former is inherently dysfunctional.
That needs to change.
@thomasgriffiths @sqrt2 that very much depends, but in General, I'd recommend @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS on #Desktop and #Server and #OpenXchange or @nextcloud for any #Groupware as well as @libreoffice and/or @CollaboraOffice for Editing.
In the end it kinda dependa on the setup and individual / organizational demands:
For those looking for a replacement for #ChromeOS & #Gsuite or #Office365, #PorteusKiosk + #NextcloudHub is a good combo.
#NextcloudHub #porteuskiosk #office365 #GSuite #chromeos #groupware #openxchange #Server #Desktop #ubuntults
@kobilacroix Yeah, I've to kinda agree...
It's really bad and I hate the elitism.
Which is why I do prefer offering the easy-to-use yet good solutions, like #UbuntuLTS...
After all, I think it's dellusional to expect the average #User to learn how to use #OpenBSD or even embedded #Linux when that's unnecessary for them...
#Linux #OpenBSD #user #ubuntults
@chirpbirb And that's why I install distros like @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS:
#Normies don't care about the #OS,
All they care about is how to #consoom #SocialMedia and maybe sending an #eMail or printing a letter..
And that's why I act as #BenevolentDictator and forcibly migrate #TechIlliterates to it!
Funfact: I never had to manually build packages or compile anything myself in 10 years...
#TechIlliterates #benevolentdictator #Email #SocialMedia #consoom #os #normies #ubuntults
@Theholypumpkin @toby I mean it really depends on one's use-case:
For a lot of people, the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi400 Kit is basically all they need to do their computing needs.
Personally I just tend to install @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS on most systems as it's a #64bit distro (#RaspberryPiOS is only available for #ARM, #ARM64 & #i386) and comes with support for basically everything anyone ever asked for - including #Steam.
@bunsenlabs is my go-to distro to use on #lowend systems.
#lowend #steam #i386 #arm64 #ARM #RaspberryPiOS #64Bit #ubuntults #Pi400
@toby not really.
I migrate #TechIlliterates all the time to #UbuntuLTS /
@ubuntu because at the end of the day, NO #TechIlliterate cares about what OS / Distro / ... they use.
All they want is being able to #consoom social media, maybe write and print a letter and check their eMails.
They don't care if they have #Windows, #Ubuntu, @bunsenlabs or #PorteusKiosk at their disposal, as long as they can click and type and get shit done...
#porteuskiosk #Ubuntu #Windows #consoom #techilliterate #ubuntults #TechIlliterates
@JustinLachance as #IT #Sysadmin I am contractually obligated to stay up to date and my job literally is to be the #BenevolentDictator in terms of #tech and what #TechStack is being used.
I forcibly migrate #TechIlliterates to @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS because I don't get paid enough to deal with shit like #Windows.
And those that need some proprietary #CCSS get a machine with #macOS or a #VNC / #RDP session to a #MacMini or #MacPro that has been rackmounted.
#macpro #macmini #rdp #vnc #macOS #ccss #Windows #ubuntults #TechIlliterates #techstack #Tech #benevolentdictator #SysAdmin #IT
In fact, #Lenovo really worsened #Linux compatibility and actually removed @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS from the OS option menu in the configurator for the #ThinkStation #P360Tiny post-launch...
#p360tiny #Thinkstation #ubuntults #Linux #Lenovo
@JorisMeys @StevenRogge Maybe consider switching to #Linux where this shite doesn't happen?
Also @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS and #Canonical #Landscape do installs and uninstalls as well as updates way more gracefully...
#Landscape #canonical #ubuntults #Linux
🔥 Weekly Linux Highlights 🔥
📰 NEWS 📰
1. Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Released
2. Window Maker Live 0.95.9-0 is Out
3. Murena 1.13 (Mobile OS) is Out
4. NVIDIA 535.98 Linux Graphics Driver Released
5. Latest Tails 5.16 OS is Out
#UbuntuLTS #WindowMakerLive #MurenaMobileOS #NVIDIAGraphicsDriver #TailsOS #JupyterAI #MySQLPasswordReset #LinuxSnap #FlutterOnLinux #AndroidStudioOnLinux
#androidstudioonlinux #flutteronlinux #linuxsnap #mysqlpasswordreset #jupyterai #tailsos #nvidiagraphicsdriver #murenamobileos #windowmakerlive #ubuntults
@Jain @hackernews Well, the current versions do.
I still remember the original #SteamOS one could download from #Valve's website and that was basically a rebranded @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS...
@usuarioimanol en el tema de hardware, como el que comentas, #KDEneon hará lo mismo que #UbuntuLTS, en el que se basa su kernel.
Este #ViernesDeEscritorio sí hay un cambio importante en mi #ThinkPad #T450: ahora funciona con #KDEneon y ha sido para bien, tengo la estabilidad de #UbuntuLTS con las últimas novedades de #KDEplasma.
La transición fue bastante limpia y rápida, digo que es importante porque no soy #DistroHooper, llevaba 10 años usando #Kubuntu.
#viernesdeescritorio #thinkpad #t450 #kdeneon #ubuntults #kdeplasma #distrohooper #kubuntu
@cafeconlinux Una duda, haz probado #ElementaryOS (basado en #UbuntuLTS)?
Si tu respuesta es positiva ¿que te parece?
Mi #ViernesDeEscritorio en mi laptop de uso personal, llega con #Ubuntu #UbuntuLTS incorruptible y todo tranquilo, lo unico que si me esta asombrando es el excesivo consumo de RAM con respecto a otras veces, pero como dicen por ahi....la belleza cuesta.
Saludos y bendecido viernes para todos y recuerden, usen lo que mejor les funcione en sus ordenadores, usen lo que mas les guste y NO PERMITAN JAMAS QUE NADIE LES DIGA LO CONTRARIO. Lo bonito de #GNULinux es precisamente eso, tener la libertad de usar lo que queremos, como queramos y cuando queramos...con dock, sin dock, como panel extendido como recogido....todos son validos y todos son geniales porque a ustedes les gusta y les funciona....si recien llegas a #GNULinux, que sepas que los viernes de escritorio son solo para mostrar nuestras personalidades, no vas a ser Mr Robot por usar una distro o vas a ser stallman por usar otra....disfruta, aprende, conoce y poco a poco con el correr de los años encontraras tu centro de gravedad y gustos personales.
Que esten bien.
#viernesdeescritorio #ubuntu #ubuntults #gnulinux
@nixCraft And even if the #SSD is completely f**ked (and because #Apple is #AntiRepair, it's #solderedDown!) one can still use it as a #LowPower system for running @tails / #Tails or even @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS from an external SSD.
Pretty shure someone already slapped a phat #Noctua cooler on it to make a #fanless or at least silent mod.
#fanless #noctua #ubuntults #tails #lowpower #soldereddown #antirepair #Apple #ssd
@greymatter @sataa @ncommander @ActionRetro interestingly all those "but #SystemD is bloat" cultists turn a blind eye on the clusterfuck thaf is #glibc and rather integrate deprecated stuff like Sun's #SMF which is basically what inspired #LaunchD and thus SystemD....
Sorry if I sound jaded. I just want systems to work and at this point I'm so close to just throw $25 p.a. at #Canonical for @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS /#UbuntuPro w/ #Landscape on-prem.
#Landscape #ubuntults #canonical #launchd #smf #glibc #systemd
@badtux @amelia @Raspberry_Pi Personally, I just forcibly migrated all #TechIlliterates to @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS without #Sudo rights and shit works flawlessly ever since!
#SUDO #ubuntults #TechIlliterates