A Lire dans @Mediapart le papier le plus enthousiasmant depuis longtemps car Ubu Roi rencontre La Société Du Spectacle et ça fait Boum !
Pourquoi la dérision est une redoutable arme politique
Le gouvernement ne s’y trompe pas en s’inquiétant des actions sporadiques et ludiques qui l’accablent. À l’usure, la dérision a déjà eu raison de pouvoirs inflexibles par le passé.
est-ce qu'on réalise vraiment bien le niveau de ridicule abyssal d'instrumentaliser le terrorisme pour interdire une manifestation festive musicale ?
@GuyBirkin THANK YOU! I had forgotten about ubu.com . The king is dead, long live UBU! #UbuRoi
Today in Labor History December 10, 1896: Alfred Jarry's play, Ubu Roi, premiered in Paris. At the end of the performance, a riot broke out. Many in the audience were confused and outraged by the obscenity and disrespect they felt in the performance. Others, like W. B. Yeats, thought it was revolutionary. Jarry’s work was a precursor to Dada, Surrealism and the Theatre of the Absurd. Ubu Roi is a parody of Shakespeare's Macbeth and parts of Hamlet and King Lear. However, having recently reread the play, I found an uncanny resemblance between Pere Ubu and Donald Trump.
#uburoi #alfredjarry #dada #surrealism #Situationism #trump #shakespeare #obscenity #Riot
#uburoi #alfredjarry #dada #surrealism #Situationism #trump #shakespeare #obscenity #Riot
Years ago in #Tallahasse I convinced my friends, largely outsider artists and underground music folks, to help stage a prodcution of #UbuRoi in an unheated warehouse in winter. It was so raggedy. The head of the theater school saw it and hated it, and I was so excited that a very old play could still provoke. But the reason he hated it was our production was mediocre. Sucking & underperfoming can be provocative. People expect 100% from artists. If you want to defy expectations, disappoint.
When DJ Trump was elected I predicted a serious uptick in productions of #UbuRoi in the US. It never seemed to materialize, but you can prove me wrong.
Many real-life characters like Idi Amin Dada have been compared to Père Ubu, but nobody ever has (and I hope will again) fit the archetype so faithfully as Trump. It's uncanny, really.
comme souvent, un petit coup de Gorafi résume mieux la situation que n'importe quoi d'autre.
Le changement de tous les panneaux de signalisation de limitation de vitesse à 90km/h aurait coûté une fortune aux départements dont beaucoup n'ont quasiment rien fait pour se plier au diktat gouvernemental.
3 ans plus tard, la situation de nos routes départementales, voire nationales est ubuesque.
Le conducteur est bien trop souvent dans l'incapacité de connaître la limite de vitesse autorisée.